Member Since: 1/19/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Jody Wildgoose plays guitar and sings. Bryan Day plays guitar, lap steel and sings.
Danny Lowe plays bass whilst singing and
Simon Stafford (Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros) plays drums.
Influences: ween,bob dylan,david bowie,velvet ,underground,leeharveyoswaldband,sheryl crow,elmore james,buttholesurfers,pulp,red guitars,bob marley,clash,beachboys,beatles,the ronettes,bluecheer,hendrix,stone roses,klf,perubu,talking heads,sexpistols,eminem,humanleague,longpigs,leeperry,snoopd
og,beck,diana ross,marvin gay,ramones,specials,will shatner with ben folds,pixies,gram parsons,emylouharris,blondie,the slitz,gayebikers,abba........... This is an Aussie commercial for panty liners, it features my song Punk Rock.
Sounds Like: NEW: Jody Wildgoose - PUNKROCK (music video by Helene Michaelides & Joe Catchpole) can soon be seen in its full splendour on MTV2, is available as a Single/E.P. on CD/Vinyl along with songs unavailable elsewhere. Keep an eye out here on MySpace and at Sketchbook Records for further info.
Record Label: Sketchbook Records (
Type of Label: Indie