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Jody Wildgoose

pop music

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In the summer of 2004, Jody Wildgoose released his debut album, Lovely White Teeth , on Sketchbook Records . It was compiled from a huge collection of songs, instrumentals and weirdness that Jody had documented in the late nineties on any recording device he could lay his hands on friends broken 4-tracks, Dictaphones and even answerphone machines. While all the songs on Lovely White Teeth were recorded lo-fi, limitations in technology have not diminished Jodys depth of imagination; he truly is one of the most unique and original artists to emerge out of the UK in recent years.

Jody’s eagerly awaited second album is out now, entitled ’ Afterlife ’ and is available from good record shops, the internet and from

My Interests


Member Since: 1/19/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Jody Wildgoose plays guitar and sings. Bryan Day plays guitar, lap steel and sings. Danny Lowe plays bass whilst singing and Simon Stafford (Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros) plays drums.
Influences: ween,bob dylan,david bowie,velvet ,underground,leeharveyoswaldband,sheryl crow,elmore james,buttholesurfers,pulp,red guitars,bob marley,clash,beachboys,beatles,the ronettes,bluecheer,hendrix,stone roses,klf,perubu,talking heads,sexpistols,eminem,humanleague,longpigs,leeperry,snoopd og,beck,diana ross,marvin gay,ramones,specials,will shatner with ben folds,pixies,gram parsons,emylouharris,blondie,the slitz,gayebikers,abba........... This is an Aussie commercial for panty liners, it features my song Punk Rock.

Sounds Like: NEW: Jody Wildgoose - PUNKROCK (music video by Helene Michaelides & Joe Catchpole) can soon be seen in its full splendour on MTV2, is available as a Single/E.P. on CD/Vinyl along with songs unavailable elsewhere. Keep an eye out here on MySpace and at Sketchbook Records for further info.
Record Label: Sketchbook Records (
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


if you would like to buy one of the records please visit  (which is part of sketchbooks website)  its not available in the shops,though you can order it through hmv...
Posted by Jody Wildgoose on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 05:07:00 PST

Jody wins.

Thanks to all who voted/listened etc. Catch more of Jody's music on Zane Lowe's show all this week...Cheers,Bryan.
Posted by Jody Wildgoose on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 10:47:00 PST

Zane Lowe - Radio 1

Vote for Jody on tonight's show...Monday 12th June - Zane Lowe will be playing 'Punk Rock' on his Radio 1 show tonight - 'Fresh Meat' at 7pm. Please listen in and vote for Jody. If Jody gets the votes...
Posted by Jody Wildgoose on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 07:12:00 PST

Jody heads out on tour with the Reverend.

Jody has been playing live over the last six months, both as a two and three-piece outfit, occasionally supporting the likes of Stephen Fretwell and Jim Noir. In order to do more justice to the songs ...
Posted by Jody Wildgoose on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 06:23:00 PST