something that keeps me occupied!!
WheNs youR BirthDAy?: 03 29 1988
Whats Your SighN?: idk
Whats YouR Fav. ColoRs: green
Are U a VirGin?... NEver mInd thaT nope
Do u BelIVe In LOVe aT firsT SIghT: sometimes
Are U rEiGious?: some
How ManY pErcIngS do U havE?: none
WHat SpoRts Are U inTO? (sports U play): a little of everything
What dO u do For fuN?: all kinds of stuff
Do u SmokE, If yes What..?: no
Do u Drink If yEs WhaT..?: sometimes, corona is my favorite
WhaT do u WaNt tO BE when u Grow UP?: an astronaunt
WHo are Ur FrieNds...Do u EVEn havE frienDs? i have lots of friends
Are U a HEalTH nUT?: nope
Are U coNFident AbouT Ur SElf?: sometimes
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steve miller band, the white stripes, lynyrd skynyrd, john foggerty, limp bizkit, ac/dc, haystak, johny cash, jimmy hendrix, metalica, bo bice, josh turner, i like a little bit of every thing.
i dont watch to much tv
i hate to read