mau profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

i'm a simple, friendly, dog-cat-finch-fish-frog-kid-book- w.i.t.c.h. comics-language-cartoon-drama-acousticmusic- electronics-computer-internet-lilo&stitch-seafood- blueberrycheesecake-chocolate-loving, cockroach-circuits- mathematics-sushi-hating, tryinghardgameofthegenerals- sungka-playing, chocolate-coated-polvoron-selling specie endemic only to TecHnological Improvement for New and Keen EngineeRing Students (a.k.a. thinkers) EE-ECE-CoE... :)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

theresians... some lourdesians(laureano and raph[lsqc], jigs and noel [manda])... mapuans! thinkers(alumni, members, applicants), some solidians, some members of assets, some iecepers, former blockmates, former/present classmates in any course...chatters/message board addicts... long lost/new-found friends...friends... acquaintances... relatives.. long lost relatives... blah.. blah.. to put it simply, anyone will do...(basta kilala ko!) ;)