We all know that New York City is the breeding ground for some of the most talented lyricists and the notorious South Bronx has given us some of the greatest MCs of all time. But there is another. A gritty young talent by the name of silenca, better. Named for his hollow point piercing rhymes and wicked delivery. SILENCA brings a refreshing and innovative sound and style to the overcrowded Hip-Hop machine that seems more inept to embrace redundancy and repetition more so than talent. When you hear SILENCA speak, it really isnt hard to tell just where he is from although he has traveled and lived in cleveland oh, and currently residing in Atlanta Ga . Although most may describe his style as a cross between Jada & Nas, SILENCA has made his own niche with tantalizing club cuts and gritty street anthems. SILENCA took the gift serious in 1994 after figuring out that he had what it took to beast on MCs trying to battle on the NYC circuit. Heart felt and 100% real make this MC stand apart from the same ol mainstream flows of today. Together with Cleveland Ohio based Against The Grain Music CEO, and Producer / Artist -
Aaron AJ-SCRATCH Stone, the FORCE is here to stay! Introducing the NEXT
Hip-Hop legend SILENCA.
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