"This above all to thine own self be true"
~~William Shakespeare~~
~I am Crystal~
~I have so many nicknames, I can't count them all~
~And there is really only 1 that I can't stand...~
~I'm Irish, so beware the temper~
~And I'm a Jersey girl at heart, so I can still kick some major ass~
~I'm addicted to Rice Krispies~
~And I continue to fail at making Rice Krispie treats~
~I'll also do almost anything for chocolate covered pretzels~
~I enjoy drinking with friends occassionally~
~The Irish in me means I can hold my liquor~
~I have only been really drunk once~
~Thanks a lot DC~
~I love my friends deeply~
~And I'd do anything for them~
~I love Ferrets~
~One day, I'll have one again~
~I own 2 fishies~
~Freddy the Catfish, and George the Molly~
~George is an old and respected name for fishies~
~They've survived, all the others died~
~I'm scared of the dark~
~And I can't sleep with my closet door open~
~It's creepy~
~I'm also scared of water~
~I love being random~
~And I hate stupid people~
~I also can't stand customer service people being rude~
~They should be fired~
~I like Fire~
~And candles are pretty~
~I have been Diagnosed with SOS~
~Shiney Object Syndrome~
~I swear I was a cat in another life~
~I fall in love too quickly for my own good~
~And I wind up getting hurt a lot~
~Mainly cuz I'm clumsy~
~I get random bruises, and can't remember where they're from~
~Or when I got them~
~I think I have alzheimers~
~Cuz I can't remember yesterday~
~Yet, I memorize song lyrics~
~I love Disney movies~
~I have almost all of them memorized too~
~Tigger is the awesomest~
~Eeyore rocks too~
~Though sometimes, I want to hug him and cheer him up~
~Emo people annoy me~
~Death isn't funny... or a game~
~Though, Life can be rather funny~
~Just look at me :)~