$.40 profile picture


Just tryin' to make a dolla outta Fordy Cents!

About Me

The more I know, the less I want to know. When ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.Life's about passion. A life without passion isn't a life worth living. Whether your passion is collecting bottle caps in an alley or interpretive dance, you got to do everything with passion.

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Sports - Soccer, Tennis, Surfing, Snowboarding, and anything else that requires hustle and heart!

I'd like to meet:

The person beneath who we see in the mirror. The truth which lies behind the smiling eyes.


Anything besides country. Don't ask me why. It goes in phases. Everything in moderation nonetheless.


Fight Club, Alfie, The Life Aquatic, Rushmore, Zoolander, Moulin Rouge, The Godfather series, Fifth Element ...


Family Guy, 24, CNN and anything Soccer!


Da Vinci Code, The Historian, Hardcore Zen


Anyone who fought to make the world a better place no matter how unpopular or impossible it may have seemed at the time.