THe LOVE of All Loves..NoOne cAn rePlacE HER profile picture

THe LOVE of All Loves..NoOne cAn rePlacE HER

JUsT wHeN i thOugHt mY liFe waS GettiN betteR TheY tOOk aWaY My HEART...RIP GRAMZ

About Me

Wats gOOdie Myspace...watz HaPpenIn???For the people who know me, yall already know how i get down ya dig...anyway if u r anyone who does the folloWin such as HATE or LiE u can LEaVe NOW....And for all u SWAgga StEaliN chicks Or MayBe guys...don't try it...I aM 1 of a kind ya dig...Back 2 ME i am mad cool and laid back...I like 2 dance, sing (in da shower)...LOL party wit my friends, chill and just Have a GooD time.....Im not a Fan Of "Drama" so Don'T bring it my way, I LoVe my FaMiLy they mean a lot 2 me...anything else u wanna know just Holla at me iight

Oh So SWEET!!!!!

Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.comHOOD_FEtiSH (c) HOOD FEtiSH

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

P.S im interested in MEN so all BoYs please LEaVe!!!


Lean on Me, Coming 2 America, Sister Act 1



