About Me
Myspace Cursors
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Hi, I just graduated from MTSU. I'm 24 yrs. old. I was born in MONTERREY, MEXICO, but moved to HOUSTON, TX when I was 5 yrs. old. I later moved to Nashville, TN when I was 14 yrs. old. My major hobby is music. I play the piano, saxophone, violin, and guitar. Recently I've been getting into electronic dance music production, which I would like to make a career out of after college. I really like listening to music whether it's at home, in the car, at a club, or on my iPod. My college major was recording industry, so music is just very important to me.
===>===>===>===>===>===>===>Hola, recientemente me gradue de la universidad. Tengo 24 an~os de edad. Naci en MONTERREY, MEXICO pero he vivido en HOUSTON, Texas y ahora vivo en Nashville, Tennessee. Mi pasatiempo favorito es la musica ya que toco el piano, guitarra, saxofon, y el violin. Ultimamente he estado interesado en producir musica electronica, a lo cual me gustaria dedicarme despues de la universidad. Y escucho musica en cualquier lugar (casa, carro, iPod, etc.) Mi carrera universitaria fue empresas en grabacion de musica, asi que la musica es muy importante para mi.
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