INTERESTS: my sexy girlfriend, cars, music, body modification, learning all i can about cars and body mods, industrial music, hearing the train drive past my doorm eight hundred times a night, meeting people, running the anti-virus on my computer twice a day, instant messagners, sticking twisty ties into my fan just to hear that cool noise, girls with tattoos and piercings, love you hun, slowly running out of food/dishes, bathing, cuddling, :wumpscut:'s version of "all cried out", "fantasies" by funker vogt, being given food so that i don't have to cook for myself(dan and cara), planning to put a 460 in the cougar, singing and dancing marilyn manson while looking out my peep hole, singing out my window into the fan, aztecs, the idea behind sacrificesDISINTERESTS: hearing the train drive past my doorm eight hundred times a night, drama, the state of single-ness, not having my cougar, not having enought room in my frige for milk, when people don't use turn signals (even when merging AND when they are alone on the highway), cooking for myself, washing dishes, hunger, groups of narcisistic girls, smoking pot, living far away from my girl
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I'd like to meet:
anyone that is cool, and would like to chill or party. people in winona.
Cyanide & Happiness @
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wow. this got deleted. well, i don't feel like rewritting it so: lots of music. industrial, metal, black metal, speed metal, rock, techno, EBM, alternative, some grunge, some rap
night of the living dead, any zombie/vampire movies(not blade [lame]), thrillers
i don't even own a t.v.
"Atomik Aztex", Edgar Alan Poe, Anne Rice, "The Divine Comedy" Dante, Stephen King, Fredrico Garcia Lorca
kratt kranzen(my best friend, always there for me), myk (for doing what he loves), all of the new people that i meet for giving me a chance and realizing i'm not as insane as i might seem (lol), jess (for putting up with me)