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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Twenty-five years ago I was one lucky sperm of my father that fused with one chanced egg of my mother that created a zygote with twenty-three pairs of chromosomes. I embedded myself in my mother’s uterine wall. After thirty hours, I am told I became an embryo and after some time a fetus. Thankfully my mother did not abort me, but if she did, I guess I would not have known anyway. During my nine-month stay in my mother’s womb I created millions of eukaryotic cells, each carrying their very own copy of my genetic code. These cells, by order of this said genetic code created proteins that in turn ordered the formation of my tissues, which in turn formed the organs that made up my body. I was birthed via cesarean section on January 27th, 1984, the same birthday as my mother. I have fair skin that has made my life easier, so I am told. I am also above average height, which I hear is also conducive to good life, and even more so, I have two arms, two legs, twenty digits and all the other characteristics evolution has seen fit for human beings to generally have. Some time after being born, I began to walk upright, and would require eight to ten hours of sleep a night to maintain normal body function. I had a childhood that was ordinary by American standards. I learned how to piss into toilets and not onto myself. I developed preference for things like broccoli and my grandparents, and distaste for mathematics and catechism class. I went to school, received good marks, was active enough to maintain an average weight, made friends, and started a gang. My parents and both sets of grandparents were very proud of me. I went to college, learned a great deal, and lost my virginity. During my sophomore year of college my grandfather died. Soon after I lost God. I did not get sad. Losing my grandfather was sad, losing God was enlightening. I have a great number of good friends that I love, a beautiful family that I love, and a band that I care a great deal about. Statistics tell me that I will live at least another fifty or so years, and with modern medicine, who knows? This sometimes makes me happy, but sometimes it scares me, because I worry a great deal about the influence of Western religion, getting things poked in my eyes, our president, and overpopulation. Nonetheless, I have concluded that living with the fear of these things is far better than dying.
Joshua Mikel Acting Reel from Joshua Mikel on Vimeo .

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, but that jerk never gets back to me.

My Blog


THE GREAT BLACK VULTURE SCENE ONE Lights up. An open boat floats silently on still waters in the middle of a great black ocean. After a moment a man pops up from the boat's floor. He is haggard. CONRO...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 23:22:00 GMT

One Act Children's Play: The Monster Hunters

THE MONSTER HUNTERS Draft 3By Joshua Mikel Sharksruledude@gmail.comCast Finn (M)- Valiant nice guy, Penny (F)- The tom boy, Frances (F) the prankster, Buck (F) nerdy, Chuck (M) Bucks twin- also nerdy,...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 15:38:00 GMT

One Act: Bethlehem Motor Community

Posted by on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 15:33:00 GMT

One Act: Quentin G

QUENTIN G- By Joshua Mikel Sharksruledude@gmail.comHeavy down light on QUENTIN in his twenties who sits in a chair midstage head down and looking rather disheveled. The stage is softly lit and empty o...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 15:27:00 GMT

Under the Loquat Tree

Under the Loquat Tree   There is a tree where 42nd meets Boulevard, and if you head north out of there on James youll meet the water, and then the horizon, and beyond the horizon is paradise...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 13:49:00 GMT

How We Talked About War

How We Talked About War    Im seven on the back porch, 2381 Lost Valley Trail, that Grandpa would paint, summer after summer, that same sickly grey, the color of cannon smoke, the...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 13:48:00 GMT

My Brother's Knife

My Brothers Knife    We let our muddy feet swing like robbers from hanging-trees, kicking our legs at the river below, and I ask you about Dad, and why that once he tied you up in ...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 13:44:00 GMT

Devil In the Front Pew

Devil in the Front Pew   She got scars on her back              where he ripped off her wings. Our father, our father who art up there...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 13:43:00 GMT

As We Cross The Field

As We Cross the Field   Were seven, breathing smoke out our noses, crossing the field between grandmas and the leviathan pit when my best friend says to me, This is dumb,   and I...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 13:42:00 GMT

My short story: The Year of the Cicada

The Year of the Cicada It was a Saturday in the year of the cicada bug. I was in the fourth grade. I was eleven years old and in the fourth grade. I took the third grade and first grade twice. The...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Dec 2004 09:10:00 GMT