music, arts, cinema, fashion, tv, internet
meeting cool people to chat with
radiohead, blur, damien rice, coldplay, supregrass, pulp, frantz ferdinand, the libertines,evan dando, hoggboy, interpol, the stills, jeff buckley, Block Party, Colin Blunstone, Elefant, The Fever, Gorillaz, Maximo Park, Sigur Ros, Phantom Planet, The Kills,Sons and Daughters, Franck Sinatra, Eartha Kit, Anthony & The Johnsons, Arcade Fire, Daft Punk, Departure, Ed Harcourt, Eliot Smith, Hal, Mando Diao, Modest Mouse, Nerd, Phoenix, Pink Floyd, Queen Of The Stone Age, Scissor Sisters, Simian, Stars, Willy Mason, the subways, blackwire, Nine Black Alps,...
phantom of paradise, pulp fiction, true romance, almost famous, jeux d'enfant, anything by Claude Lelouch, hair, Lord of the rings, Kill Bill (vol 1 & 2)...
Veronica Mars, Lost,Alias, Nip/ Tuck, 24, The OC, Buffy the vampire slayer, Dead Like me, Carnival, ER, The Simpsons, Daria, Rubi...
Le rouge et le noir by Stendhal, Tristan & Iseult, L'attrape coeur by JD Salinger, anything by Jean-Christophe Grangé (my favourite is l'empire des loups), Gossip Girl, The A List, Harry Potter,...
my father, thom yorke, jean paul gaultier, mademoiselle agnes, loic prigent,....