SuKe MaIn KoMpUtEr GaMeS...SeMuA GaMeS AkU LaYaN + BaCe KoMiK...Yg PaLiNg BeSh KoMiK BUDAK GETAH [ONE PIECE] + KaLu BoRiNg DoK oStEL DgR LaGu...[LifE PeRFoRmAnCe + ViDeO cLiP] + BiLa MaLaM MeNjeLmA...PeGi CC SuRf InTeRnEt...uPdAtE MySpAcE. KaLu KuAr NgaN MeMbEr2...ApEr LaGi...KaCaU OrAnG Lah...BeSt TuH KaCaU OrAnG!! HaHAhAhAhHa.
SeMuA OrG BleH...TapI BaGuS GaK KeNaI RaMaI GuRLz....
BoB MaRLeY was a hero figure, in the classic mythological sense. His departure from this planet came at a point when his vision of One World, One Love - inspired by his belief in Rastafari - was beginning to be heard and felt. The last Bob Marley and the Wailers tour in 1980 attracted the largest audiences at that time for any musical act in Europe. Bob's story is that of an archetype, which is why it continues to have such a powerful and ever-growing resonance: it embodies political repression, metaphysical and artistic insights, gangland warfare and various periods of mystical wilderness. And his audience continues to widen: to westerners Bob's apocalyptic truths prove inspirational and life-changing; in the Third World his impact goes much further. Not just among Jamaicans, but also the Hopi Indians of New Mexico and the Maoris of New Zealand, in Indonesia and India, and especially in those parts of West Africa from wihch slaves were plucked and taken to the New World, Bob is seen as a redeemer figure returning to lead this planet out of confusion.
SeMuA CiTeR BaGi AkU BeSt....ChaRMeD + SuRvIvoR + CriMe ScENe InVeSTiGaTiON + aLiAs + HBO + AXN + CaRtOoN NeTwOrk + DeXtEr LaBoTArY + PoWeR PuFF GuRL + DrAgON BaLL + DiGiMoN + PoKeMoN + KeLuAnG MaN + SaNg WiRa + SaMaRiNdA + NaTiOnAL GeOgRaPhIc + CrOcoDiLe HuNTeR + PeNtaS 1 + AL-KuLiAh + MaLaYsIa HaRi InI + WaNiTa HaRi InI + SmArT ShOp + BiNCaNg PeTaNg + iKLaN + SaMuRaI X + sLaMDuNk + WiNTeR SoNaTa + FrIeNds + KiSs WoMaN + SeMuA CeRiTa JePoN + MaRiA MeRcEdeS + MisS TreS HeRmAnAs + BeTTy + The SiMpSoN + FuTuRaMa + MeLCoMe in The MiDdLe + UsOp SaNtOrIaN + La UsPaDoRa + iBu MeRtUaKu + BuJaNg LaPok + PeNdeKaR BuJaNg LaPoK + SeNiMaN BuJaNg LaPoK + SeNaRio + SeNaRiO LaGi + LaGi2 SeNaRiO + ThE GoDFaThEr + sMaLLViLLe + ExTrEaM MaKeOvEr + ThE AppReNtIcE + ExPloRe RaCe + AmAzIn RaCe
BuDaK GeTaH + SaMuRaI x + GrEaT TeaChEr OnIzUkA + sLaMdUnK + PeNyIaSaT ReMaJa + DeTecTiVe CoNaN + GuNdaM WiNgS + DoRaEmON + MuTiArA NaGa + MiSTeRi NaGa+ YuYu HaKhUsHo + RaVe MaSTeR + HuNTeR X HuNTeR + DeTeCTiVe Q + MaJaLaH GeMpAk + MaJaLaH HyPe + MaJaLaH uToPia + MaJaLaH FHM + SuRaT kHaBaR UtuSaN + MiNggUaN HaRiaN + HaRaKaH + KiSaH-KiSaH NaBi + CoNtRaCt AcT 1950 + EcOnOMiCs MaLaYsIaN + BuSiNeSs CoMuNiCaTiOn + NoVeL KoNsErTo TeRaKhiR + NoVeL BuKiT KePoNg + NoVeL RiNdu SeMaLaM + NoVeL BuDaK SeTaN + aL-IsLaM + MuSTiKa + PeSoNa + ReMaJa
My DaD + My MoM + My Bro + My SiS + and also My FrEnZ!!!