Brittany: My girl got a girlfriend: Me! =) profile picture

Brittany: My girl got a girlfriend: Me! =)

If you're a boy, please don't try adding me. And if you requested me, read the interests section aft

About Me

For all those who want to know... I dance, sing, box, play basketball, and a whole bunch of other stuff. I play four musical instruments. My grandpa is trying to get me to be in his band but I really don't want to.. I'd rather dedicate all of my time to my singing, dancing, and sports.
My best friends are my sisters, Amber, Stephanie, Ashley(New best friend), Brittany L., and Jackson. If you feel I forgot you, please let me know so I can add you. I'm a little doped up right now on cold medicine and I can't remember alot.
Yeah, so what else about me? I'm gay (SOME PEOPLE SAY I'M TOO GAY) which means I ♥ girls!

My Interests



I'd like to meet:

Me and my sisters acting a fool

To all the hoes that are hating for absolutely nothing...

"And I know I'm coming off as a little bit conceited and I keep on repeating how the chicks want to eat it..."

I'm looking for that girl that contradicts the old cliche stereotype that all girls are the same. I'm looking for that girl who I can talk to forever about anything. I'm looking for that girl who doesn't give a shit about what everyone else thinks, and who is her own person, regardless of who tries to mold her into something else. I'm looking for that girl who isn't going to hurt or play me. I can't deal with heartbreak anymore. It hurt and it took me forever to get over it the first time; I will NOT be put through it again. As you can probably tell, I am an intellectual person. I enjoy having intelligent conversations, and sometimes stupid, funny ones as well. I'm not a dumbass, and I don't like being associated with them. I'm the type of person who feels that the glass is always full. (for all the dummies out there that means I am optimistic.) I hate gangs and violence... I think fighting is childish and that everyone should be mature enough to be able to talk things out with each other instead of turning to violence. I believe in God. I don't believe in love, but I'm looking for someone who can make me a believer.
Yeah, so I got something else to say. Why is it that females (STUDS) try to be so hard? Why can't they show emotion? I only know one stud who I dated that showed emotion in front of me.. She cried. I won't say who she is but I ended up loving her. Even though we are not together anymore I still do love her. Because for the first time, a stud showed emotion. And not anger. Sadness. Love. She showed me she loved me. She told me she loved me. And I know she did and still does. She's one of my best friends now and I'm cool with that. And she's always got me.. Forever. The point was not to talk about the stud in question, but to figure out a simple thing.. why do studs never want to show how they truly feel? Don't be afraid to cry in front of me, because I won't make you feel uncomfortable. I'll comfort you. I'll help you get through it.
Another thing. Why are some females such players? What is the point? Its nasty because all you are doing is eating out all these girls with no commitment. You are a walking disease! Why cheat on all these girls when you can be happy with just one?
I've reached that pivotal moment in my life!
I don't need a girl to make me happy! I've learned to be self sustaining! This is the most rewarding moment, the moment when you realize that all you need is yourself and your friends.
So, the New Year has arrived and I'm making some vital changes in my life. Firstly, I've dated too many childish, immature players in my day and I don't plan on doing it anymore. So if you are coming at me with bullshit, don't bother coming at me, because I've seen it so much to where I recognize it better than I recognize my own mother. If you want to act like a child, that's fine. Do you. But don't do that with me. Because I have no time for kids in my life. I don't want any. That includes you. And if you think you are a player, or if you have a girl but are just on the low low about it, don't come at me, because there are hundreds of foolish girls in your area to spit your weak ass lies to. I am not the one. I am seriously strapped. No lie. lol I'm not joking.


After getting kicked out
At lunch
In Spring Hill with my best friend!! We was wildin out!!


.. .. .. .. .. ....


Rules for being my friend:
One--Keep in touch at least once a week! You people think because I have alot of friends I won't notice if one or two don't KIT. I pay attention. I know the ones that leave love regularly and who just added me so I could be another number on thier friends list. So like I said, keep in touch, or get deleted. (Every Wednesday and Saturday is Delete-A-Bitch Day so make sure you send something between those days.)
Two--If I don't know you, you better make it a top priority to introduce yourself. Because if, within twenty four hours of being added, you don't send me a message or comment telling me your name, you WILL be deleted.
Three--If you only came on my page to steal my pics, read my comments (to see what kind of comments your girlfriend, boyfriend, ex or friend are writing me) or to add me just to be another number on your friend count, go suck something, because I will find out who you are and DELETE you.
Four--Don't try to start drama with me, because I have no time for kiddy bullshit. I don't want your girl and I DAMN sure don't want your man so stop sweating me.
Five--If you have any curious friends who want to add me just to see who I am, tell them to shove thier middle finger up thier ass, touch thier nose with it, and then say, "I'm a nosy idiot" fifty times while sniffing the finger that smells like thier dirty ass.
Six--If you added me because you saw me shaking my ass on a video, jump off a bridge.
Seven--If you're straight and I don't know you, DON'T TRY TO EFFIN ADD ME, BECAUSE YOU WILL BE DENIED!
Eight--If you're a freaking BOY, GET THE FUCK OFF MY PAGE, BITCH! I'm a fuckin lesbian! Gosh! And if you still try to add me, I'm just going to send you a message cursing you out and then block you. So either way, you ain't getting added. So get the fuck outta here.Nine--Don't try to spit your game at me. I'm taken. And don't ask to who... Because it's none of your business.
Ten--If you only added me because you think I'm gonna be jealous because you're dating my ex... Stand in the middle of the freeway and let a bus hit you.
So.. Now that we've gotten the rules down, make your move. Add, message, block, invite, IM, comment... Whatever. Just get it done. Thanks.



My daddy. Even though I am not biologically his, he has raised me ever since I was one year old, and get this- out of a wheelchair. He was shot three days before his twelfth birthday and ever since then he has been confined to a wheelchair. And out of that wheelchair, he raised me, my three sisters, and helped raise countless other children through counseling and guidance. Even though I'm always leaving him to go live with my mom, he continues to be there, waiting with open arms for me to come back into the fold. I love my daddy. He was there for me when my real father betrayed me. He was there when I was going through an identity crisis. He accepted me being gay even though he is an ordained minister. I will love this man forever; He will always be the only father that I claim.

My mommy. Even though we have our disagreements daily, and we can hardly ever get along, I find myself wondering all the time what I'd do without her. She has a wonderful heart and when my life got wild and out of control, she helped me get grounded. People tell me all the time that I'm just like my mommy. We're both outgoing, fun loving individuals, and we can't live without each other. Even when she hits her rough patches in life where she's unbearable, I have to live with it because she's my mommy and I love her. People pick on me all the time because I'm almost grown but I still call her mommy. But that's the relationship we have. Even though I grow up and mature, I'm always her little girl no matter what life throws at us. She was there for me even though half the time she was in another city or state, and when the going got rough, I could always count on her to get me out of the situation. I love my mommy so much!

My Blog

Pain is...

Pain is....Loving someone but you know they'll love you back.Wanting something so bad that you always seem to lack.Trying to find the one but all you find is people whoOnly want to hurt and take advan...
Posted by Brittany™ of FFE: Love = Heartbreak on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 07:32:00 PST

Forget the past. Let's focus on the future.

So what if people break your heart, lie to you, steal from you, hurt you.... They were put in your life to make you stronger. Don't pay attention to people who try to put you down because in the ...
Posted by Brittany™ of FFE: Love = Heartbreak on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 01:34:00 PST

I don't really know how I feel anymore.

Baby when I hear your voiceMy heart is set aflameI love how I get butterfliesWhenever you say my nameIf your eyes are portals to your soulAn angel you must beI know that God created youTo always be wi...
Posted by Brittany™ of FFE: Love = Heartbreak on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 11:22:00 PST

Forget relationships. Trust me, no female can be trusted.

If you put your trust in a female, you'll just end up getting hurt. No lie.
Posted by Brittany™ of FFE: Love = Heartbreak on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 12:08:00 PST

NEW STORY!!!! Read for a preview...

    I remember the day I first saw you. You were walking down the street in your vintage sneakers and leather jacket, your long, free braids swaying in the light breeze, your face conto...
Posted by Brittany™ of FFE: Love = Heartbreak on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 08:04:00 PST


You feel like things are going wrong.Your life's a wreck, your family's goneYour nights are short, your days are long.Your lover's left, you friends say goodbye,You thought that they'd be by your side...
Posted by Brittany™ of FFE: Love = Heartbreak on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 08:12:00 PST

This is how I feel about relationships.

She said she's going to do you right.She swore there'd never be a fight.She promised you'd always be tight.She said she'd be there, day or night.But now you're looking back at this.Your relationship w...
Posted by Brittany™ of FFE: Love = Heartbreak on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 08:21:00 PST


Old poem I wrote.. Decided to post it because a friend of mine thought it was good. It was longer, but I shortened it and changed a few things.   I try to talk I try to plead But you won't even L...
Posted by Brittany™ of FFE: Love = Heartbreak on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 12:40:00 PST


The way you make me feel sends shivers down my spineSometimes it makes me dizzy just to know that you're all mine.Every time you say my name, it's like I'm on cloud nineMy whole world just seems bette...
Posted by Brittany™ of FFE: Love = Heartbreak on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 07:50:00 PST

My pain.. I trusted my father and he betrayed me greatly...

In the brown eyes of my father I once thought I saw respect. I was blind for all that time And now my life is truly wrecked. In the brown eyes of my father I once saw unchanging love Like the kind you...
Posted by Brittany™ of FFE: Love = Heartbreak on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 11:58:00 PST