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B.T.A Taking bookings for 2008

About Me

It all started with the procuring of a girl's keyboard. Without this instrument the band would not exist in the form that it does today. So for this we salute you. After years of jam and a myriad of Dumbarton’s finest players the line-up came to be Angus Battison, Iain Crawford and Alexander Sakulin.The boys have been together for just over a year now, breaking new ground and forging new sound for our listening pleasure. What a year it’s been with a £1200 pound win at the Riverside-In Battle of the bands. The river is the Leven and this river flows into the Clyde. The Clyde flows through Glasgow, you’re on your way boys. Upstream it may be but nothing can stop you now. Deciding to bypass this root for the M8 and Clyde side express way the boys have played a frenzy of gigs in Ggow. Venues include Abc2, Capitol, Barfly, Cathouse, box, Bar Buddha, (Stereo 26th Jan 08), The Admiral bar, Bar Miso and the Buff club.Watch out for the lads in 2008. TIn the current UK climate of so-called live rock bands there has been a long unanswered call for originality. With the eccentric piano stylings and crunching bass of Black-Tie Affair there is no need to look any further.
Incorporating the band's different musical background, Black-Tie Affair have managed to create a style of music that is hard to define, yet somehow sits nicely alongside the cream of modern-day British talent. The vocals of frontman, Alexander Sakulin, are a breath of fresh air with some entertaining, catchy lyrics which are reinforced by his fiery keyboard passages. Angus drops in some excellent bass lines which give the tunes the neccesary polishing they deserve. The drums provided by Iain Crawford coincide with the keyboards to produce some dance-along off-beats to complete the electro/dance-rock style the band have managed to concieve.
When not practising or gigging the band enjoy watching television shows such as Peep Show, Phoenix Nights, The Simpsons plus many others. They also like to partake in some ridiculous driving in and around Dumbarton sometimes for no reason at all. None of them are strangers to a bit of gaming especially frontman Alex and drummer Iain, with the latter having all but dedicated his life to the art.
That having been said, we hope to see you at our shows and thanks for checking out the page! xx MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests


Member Since: 1/18/2006
Band Website: This is all.
Band Members: Alexander Sakulin: Vocals/Keyboards
Iain Crawford: Drums
Angus Battison: Bass

Influences: U2
Stone Roses
James Brown
Dr. John
Elton John
The Killers
The Jam
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Sounds Like: Rock/Pop music with a serious influence from Dance.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Gig review by Xav of the Skinny.

Gig Review. Deadbeats/Black Tie Affair. Capitol. 17/05/07 Current mood: artistic Category: Music Deadbeats. Capitol. 17/05/07 Capitol is a great little venue with a big sound. Unlike a lot of the ...
Posted by B.T.A on Tue, 22 May 2007 08:03:00 PST