♥ MiZz MaRcE ♥ profile picture

♥ MiZz MaRcE ♥

♥AsI O Mas ((X)) eN La vIdA asI De sImPLe 0SeA♥

About Me

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mI ArTe!! EcHo POr iSeLa CaRriLLo... La pIKnKy OnE!
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Which Victoria's Secret Angel are you?

Gisele Bundchen
You are nice, trendy, and love to have fun!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Take the quiz:
What type of kisser are you?

Romantic kisser
This kind of kisser will be a good husband or wife.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Take the quiz:
What Angel Are You?

Sky Angel
You are the Sky Angel.You are calm, peaceful and serene.It can take an eternity to make you angry, but you can be very distructive on a whim.You can be slow to make friends, but you will stick by somone through thick and thin, and won't betray them, like the night.You like blues and whites, pastely colours.You are also atracted to birds, as they share your domain.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

My Interests

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You Are a Flawless Beauty!
When it comes to beauty, you spare no expense - and it shows
You're the kind of woman a man would launch a thousand ships for
It's hard for anyone to beat you in the beauty department
But remember, it's okay to show a flaw or too - you've got plenty to spare What Type of Beauty Are You?
You've Got Guys Lined Up Around the Block
While your little black book isn't as thick as Paris Hilton's...
You get the most dates of any girl you know
It's your whole five star package that attracts men -
Your looks, your charm, and your ability tie a cherry with your tongue. Are You Attractive?
Your Vibe is Super Sexy
You feel 100% sexy at almost any moment
And this inner sexiness really does boost your appeal
You're confident, playful, and outgoing
You know what you have to offer - and you're proud of it! How Sexy Is Your Vibe?
Your Element is Fire
Your power color: red

Your energy: hot

Your season: spring

Like a fire, you are full of power and light.
A born leader, you easily draw people toward you.
You are full of courage and usually up for anything dangerous.
You have a huge ego and love to be the center of attention. What Element Are You?
You Are a Tulip
You have a wild, experimental side that craves change.
You often switch jobs and men, always looking for something better.
But deep down, you're also very well grounded and content.
And you will come to know that the life you live is already ideal. What Flower Are You?

I'd like to meet:

Take the quiz:
What does your birth month reveal about you?

Loyal and generous. Sexy. Patriotic. Active in games and interactions. Impatient and hasty. Ambitious. Influential in organizations. Fun to be with. Loves to socialize. Loves praises. Loves attention. Loves to be loved. Honest and trustworthy. Not pretending. Short tempered. Changing personality. Not egoistic. Take high pride in oneself. Hates restrictions. Loves to joke. Good sense of humor. Logical.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Nombre MaRcElA OrTiZ cArRiLlo
Color de ojos CaFeS cLaRoS..
Color de cabello nEgRo
Sex FeMeNiNo
Dia de nacimiento 02-dic-88
Lugar de nacimiento ToRrEoN CoAhUiLa..
Estatura 1.64 MeTrOs..
Edad 17
Locacion actual DuRaNgO!!!
Idolo lAtIn lOVer!!
Mejor amigo MArInA!!!
Que haces en tus tiempo libes? dOrMiR
Escuela "OcTaViO rIvErA ESqUivEl"
Miedos OsCuRiDAd....
Que deporte practicas? vOlEeY..
Do you drink aVeCes!!
Do you smoke No0o0o
Do you sing SI.. sIemPrE
Helado ChOcOlAtE
Rey de musica MM.... mUcHos, MuChOs
Cancion No Le teMas a eL!!!
Persona Mi MaMi!!!
Actor mUcHoS.. fERNaNdO cOlUnGa, ToM CrUiSe, OrLaNdO BlOoM eTc..
Show de televicion FaMiLiA PeLuChe..
Pelicula EStE cUeRpo no es miO..
Dia del ao 2 de dIciEmBrE
Holiday nAvIdAd!!
Color RoJo..
Flor TuLiPaNeS!!

What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)

You have brown eyes. Brown is the color of the earth. Your eyes symbolize your comforting and fostering nature. You are stable, grounding, sophisticated, considerate, conventional and orderly. People may consider you to be cozy or warm. People feel safe when they are with you. Some words to describe you: reliability, elegance, security, healing, homely, grounding, foundation, and earthly.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


*nOrTeÑa*, *pOp*, *ReGGaEtOn.* *bAlAdAs*..... De tOdA.....


mE EnCaNtA VeR MoViEs... MiSiOn iMpOsIbLe 1,2,3....UNa pElIcUa dE HeVoS... cArReRa de lOKoS...tOdAs, tOdAs lAs dE *RoB sCHnEiDeR* (((eStE cUeRpO No eS MiO, El aNiMaL EtC.)))sCaRy moViE..Mi pRiMeR BeSo, la bODa dE Mi MeJoR AmIgO...AmAr tE DuElE, y tU MaMa tAmBiEn Y MuChAs mAs....


oMg... Me gUsTA VeR MuCa teLeViCiOn... PeRo POr aHoRa lAs tElEnOvElAs mE TiEnEn BoBa... ok. oK. eL PrIvIlEgIo de mAnDaR, lA fAmIliA PeLuChE y mAs...


mE GuStAn loS LiBrOs dE *CaRlOs cUAhUtEmOc sanChEz*...jUvEnTuD En eXtAsIs, VoLaR SoBrE EL pAnTaNo, Un GrItO DEsEsPeRaDo, lA FuErZa de sHeCiD Y La uLtImA OpOrTuNiDaD... TaMbIeN: CoMo aGuA PaRa cHoCoLaTa Y DeMaCiAdO AmOr....


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