Lyt by: soft beauty
I have a name.
Sarah Ferg[uson].
I have a Best Friend.
I have a Boyfriend.
I have a Hero.
I go to High School.
2008 hoe.
Yeah; I drink.
Yeah; I smoke.
I'm doomed to be a Pizza Artist forever.
J&J's Pizza Shack.
Way better than DomiHoes.
A car would be nice.
Let's try something new.
I kinda have a 'bucket list'.
Skydive. Kids. Europe.
I'm glad I don't act like I'm 12.
Most of the time.
I like Music.
All kinds.
I think I can sing.
Other people think so too.
I like to dance.
I always make stupid faces in pictures.
There's this hatred that I just can't shake.
Don't be a slut.
There are so many cooler ways to get diseases.
[Yeah, Kids. Like sharing heroin needles.]
I might not remember the last time..
but I still haven't forgotten the first.
I'm a flirt. Ya Dig?
Honesty can be brutal.
I'm used to it.
Eh. Whatever. Its just Myspace.
Get a life.
The Names Ferg. Sarah. Ginger. Throwdown.
I like my friends loud and my music even louder.
I make mistakes. I get drunk and fall down stairs.
I break shit. I skin my knees and twist my ankles.
I smoke cigarettes and act like a retard.
I talk to random people and pretend I'm not shy.
I try to be a hard ass. I lie to people I care about
so their feelings don't get hurt.
I've been through a lot more than you probably think.
I cheat at video games,
and I steal plates from expensive resturaunts.
I'm not a backstabber, But I am a heart breaker.
I miss the old days, but the real world
is coming on fast.
I know I need to buckle down and be
something, anything.
But for now,
I'm just a Teenaged kid,
trying to make the most out of life
♥&& loving every second of it.♥
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