*Amanda* profile picture


People laughed at Louis Armstrong when he wanted to go to the moon. But now he's up there, looking d

About Me

Okay, so I have had this account for a long time, and I am just now doing something with it. My goodness! Anyway, I would've thought that I wouldn't have a problem talking about me, but really, what is there to say? I drive a Dodge Stratus! Also, too, as well, isn't that what this entire myspace is about? Me!Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com ref="http://quiz.myyearbook.com/zenhex/quiz.php?id=13024" Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle are You?

Awe YAH! You're the party dude! You enjoy goofing off and pulling pranks! Life's a beach! People NEED you in order to lighten up! Happiness isn't a destination, it's simply a way of life! You like games, sports, and many different activities involving showing off your athletic skills! Does annoying your sisters and brothers count? Ehehe! You enjoy being the center of attention, the star of the show, and the known joker of the group! Gotta make 'em laugh!
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com

My Interests

Candle-lit dinners and long walks on the beach (I'm joking! Sort of...) For real though, I enjoy lots of different things,but mostly hanging out with people (love that!)Stacey and I...more pics to come soon...

adopt your own virtual pet!

I'd like to meet:

Jesus Christ, Abraham Lincoln, Steven Paige from BNL (Oh wait, I already met him!), Lucille Ball, Beverly Cleary,Gallagher (who doesn't want to meet the inventor of the "Sledge-o-Matic") ..


I know people always say this, but I like almost everything! My ultimate favorites: Barenaked Ladies and New Kids on the Block! I PROMISE I did NOT expect this at all:
Your Theme Song is Y.M.C.A. by the Village People
"It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A.
They have everything for young men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys..."

Whether you're a boy crazy girl or a boy crazy boy...
Flirting with all the boys is what you do best (even when it gets you in trouble!) What's Your Theme Song?


Dumb and Dumber,Anchorman, Napoleon Dynamite, Tommy Boy, The Wizard of Oz, Office Space, Steel Magnolias, RENT!, Evita, Billy Madison, Pretty Woman, Dirty Dancing, Ghostbusters,Holes, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,The Wedding Singer, and the list goes on...


Full House, Punky Brewster, Robot Chicken, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, I Love Lucy, most 80's sitcoms, The Golden Girls .. width="425" height="350" ..


Harry Potter (all of them), The Chronicles of Narnia, Holes, The Giving Tree, He's Just Not That Into You (haha!), A Wrinkle In Time, The Outsiders, Any "Ramona" Book,Tuesdays with Morrie, The Five People You Meet in Heaven,Where the Sidewalk Ends, The Glass Castle, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Deep Thoughts (By Jack Handey), The Purpose Driven Life, Marvin K.Mooney- Will You Please Go Now?...and many many more
Your Linguistic Profile:
65% General American English
20% Upper Midwestern
5% Midwestern
5% Yankee
0% Dixie What Kind of American English Do You Speak?
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My Blog

Nobody likes an unfrosted tart!

I'm not a "breakfast person" (at least not in the morning, because any other time of the day I must admit I do love me some pancakes. Yum). However, somedays, I decide to grab something to eat on the ...
Posted by *Amanda* on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 09:52:00 PST

The letter of the day: W

I was in a first grade class and it was silent reading time.  All of the sudden, one of the boys in the class started gasping and seemed to be really bothered by something.  Shortly after hi...
Posted by *Amanda* on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 03:59:00 PST

Marketing at its best...

I was driving along the other day, and I was so excited about how nice of a day it was.  All of the sudden, I noticed a large, 50-foot helium-filled gorilla on the top of a building.  T...
Posted by *Amanda* on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 11:31:00 PST

Phonics and video games

I am a fan of languages. I just love them! If it hadn't been the first language I knew, I would probably be the most fascinated with English.  Most languages have one sound per letter or characte...
Posted by *Amanda* on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 11:22:00 PST

Perhaps I was asking too much...

I had the oppurtunity to teach in the classroom where I started the first 12 weeks of the school year.  Because I was in that  classroom for a lengthy amount of time, I really grew attached ...
Posted by *Amanda* on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 08:15:00 PST

Something to make everyone happy!

I'm going to toot my own horn for a second. I write funny blogs, or at least that's what I've been told.  If you are reading this because you're hoping to laugh, I must warn you, this isn't that ...
Posted by *Amanda* on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 07:59:00 PST

Maybe I did hit a school bus, and maybe I didn't...but maybe I did...

Okay, but it was a total accident and no one was even hurt or even noticed.  Here's the scoop: I had one heck of a day at a local middle school.  The only thing on my mind was how bad I want...
Posted by *Amanda* on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 02:51:00 PST

Don don don don doooooon!

I'm a lover of words. However, once in a while, they freak me out.  Take the word don for example. I don't mean as in the name, for example Donnie Wahlberg (of New Kids on the Block).  No, I...
Posted by *Amanda* on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 01:49:00 PST

Why can't we all just get along? Here's my solution!

My boss and I are attending a training in Notabigdealville, Ohio.  During our venture down here on the express way, I noticed the name of a road call Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.  How aweso...
Posted by *Amanda* on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 05:35:00 PST

Words to remember.

I've been subbing for a music teacher the last few days.  For those who don't like to work, but like to get paid, let me tell you, this is the job for you! It's nothing but viewing of the videos ...
Posted by *Amanda* on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 03:04:00 PST