****LORENA**** profile picture



About Me

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Myspace Layouts********************************************* Well...lets see Im not really good with words..but shit I'll try. I'm basically a simple-complex person rolled up in to one. I know what I want and I wont waste my time trying to figure it out, its either ur in or ur out. At this point in my life I'm very much in LOVE..it came at a time that i thought that TRUE LOVE had overpassed me and was not giving me that second opportunity but he came to me and it all came back...Everyone out there has that "other half" that is meant for them..well I have found mine ..the way i look at it ..it takes a few times to fall before u finally start walking..well its sooo true in love also...i believe it is true what they say about what is meant to be urs will come back to you if its meant to be...well it did..5 years later i might add..:)..it had to come to me when i needed it and would value it....but I'm VERY happily engaged and ready to start this thing they call "life" with him..He makes me feel that I'm the only woman on this earth and when he looks at me i TRULY BELIEVE that there is no other man out there for me ..... he loves my children as if they were his and i could not ask for anything more..at this point i dont know where "our" road will lead us (we know..but were not saying..:)..right baby???)..but with him and my babies by my side I dont care where as long as were together..as for my close friends get ready for the late summer wedding..besides him and my children ...our friends and family are very important...I'm hoping to keep in touch with all of you and dont forget "Follow ur heart in everthing u do" .. Well thats it in a nut shell..Oh, one more thing..I heard someone once say "Do unto others as they have done unto you" well I dont agree with that..I believe "What goes around comes back around...so just sit back and wait patiently"...because he did...lol...

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My FATHER ...THE HERO...RIP 11/22/2001
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My Blog

"Every Woman Should Know"

EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW How to fall in love without losing her self....   ...how to quit a job, Break up with a lover, and confront a friend without ruining the friendship....   ...when to t...
Posted by ****LORENA**** on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 08:24:00 PST