Lhee profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am kind of person who is easy and fun to be with. And I am also an emotional type person. I like to be noticed and will back in the glow of your affection and attention. I can be incredibly pushy. If u want to live happily ever after with me, you are going have to learn how to push back. I don’t actually want to run over you, but I thrive on challenges and enjoy the fight. There is generally an assumption made that you like the fight, too. Using your wit will empress me a great deal more than a resorting to a physical challenge. I also love the chase. I enjoy being in the driver's seat and pursuing a potential lover with craft and skill. You will lose my interest in a hurry if you are too easily and quickly won. If you know how to spar, u will have better luck with me. One thing that u can count on me, however, is a short grudge. Don’t expect me to read your mind if you are holding onto one, because it will be totally misread. Just as the way washes away the dust from the road..

My Interests

bar hoPping, listening Hip-hop music, moVie aDdict...

I'd like to meet:

my S.O.U.L.M.A.T.E.


Hip-Hop Music...


+scary movies...


urban myx, mtv jam, fear factor,AR,mr personality & the fifth wheel..


da viNci c0de


spider man...