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I am here for Friends

About Me

i cAnt bE pErFect aNd yoU knoW tHaT...aNd no mAtTer hoW i TrY, i CaN nEvER bE tHe pErFecT gIrL yoU'Ve aLwAyS bEeN dReaMiN oF...bUT aNywAyS...iM noT boRn to pLeAse eVeryBodY...=_=
? LovE cAuGhT oN siGhT ?
____iM vErY pASsionAte oN eVerYthiN i Do 'cOz i bELieVE thAT a SinGLe wOrD n AcTioN cOuLd pOSsibLY RUIN eVerYtHin_____
...wOuLd yOu cArE tO?.....
...nEvERminD...yoU'd jUz bE lEaVin mE bEhiNd....
------UNNOTICEDShe's an angel, but she sins sometimes
Dressed in white, gets drunk on red wine
Everyone loves her
But a child plays for pleasure and she'll play with your heart until she
Breaks down your defences one by one
So line up your soldiers and she'll shoot them all down
Coz eXcEL Rules The World
You think you found a dream, then it shatters and it seems,
That eXcEL rules The World
For her eXcEL love of power, and she's as fragile as a flower
But you better
Line up your soldiers and she'll shoot them all down,
Coz eXcEL Rules The World
eXcEL always walks where angels fear to fly
Perfection baby - you know you're qualified
Everyone loves her
But a child plays for pleasure and she'll play with your heart until she
Breaks down your defences one by one
So line up your soldiers, and she'll shoot them all down
Coz eXcEL Rules The World
You think you found a dream, then it shatters and it seems,
That eXcEL Rules The World
For her love of power, and she's as fragile as a flower
But you better
Line up your soldiers and she'll shoot them all down
Coz eXcEL Rules The World
And when it all comes down you realise
It's just her playful heart inside your mind
So line up your soldiers and she'll shoot them all down,
Coz eXcEL Rules The World
So line up your soldiers and she'll shoot them all down,
Coz eXcEL Rules The World
eXcEL Rules The World
You think you've found a dream
eXcEL Rules The World
Line up your soldiers and she'll shoot them all down,
Coz eXcEL Rules The World
You think you found a dream, then it shatters and it seems,
That eXcELRules The World
So line up your soldiers and she'll shoot them all down,
Coz eXcELRules The World
You think you found a dream, then it shatters and it seems,
That eXcELRules The World
So line up your soldiers and she'll shoot them all down,
Coz eXcEL Rules The World
14 years old
totally human
but ALMOST perfect
EXCEL,literally meaNs:
aNd i HATE iT!
pEopLe sAy i ShOuLd dO gOoD oN aLL tHinGs
'cOz oF mY F***en NaMe!
-fOr cRyi'N oUT LouD!-
i beLieVe i hAvE gUts 'n gLorY
buT soMetYmz
tHinGs dOnT cOmE ouT 'd waY
yOu wAnt iT tO bE!
i beLieve in tHis saYing:
In order to move forward in a new relationship,
you have to let some old things go.
wE cAn nEvEr be sTrOng eNouGh
iF wE hAvE sOo mUcH baggage on oUr bAck
wE cAn nEvEr fOrgEt ouR pAsT
buT wE cAn aLwaYs leaVe iT aS a mEmoRy... ...aN EXPERIENCE...
enoUgh bOwt iT.. i Luv mY cAtS
and i Luv mY fRieNdS
i dOnT liKe tHe fEeLinG oF INJUSTICE!
'cOz wiTh iT
now i sounD LikE rUnniNg tO aN eLecTion!
iF yOu tHinK i cOuLd bE a FriEnD... yoU cAn aLwaYz mEssAgE mE... -tecee-Layout made by kelsey1203 at CreateBlog.com .

My Interests

i'vE gOne GAGA over PINK!
so into MUSIC
Luv tO dAncE!
miX 'n mATcH oF cLotHeS
miLO oN sKyFLaKeS...yUMmY!


gOt LoTs oF 'eM


[x] kart racer
[x] cruel intentions
[x] chicken little
[x] girl next door
[x] my sassy girl
[x] a lot like love
[x] mr. and mrs. smith
[x] batman returns
[x] shutter
[x] madagascar
[x] dare devil
[x] elektra
[x] c0yote ugLy
[x] spiderman
[x] Like miKe
[x] the r0ckstar
[x] raise ur v0ice
[x] cheaper by d d0zen
[x] jUst married
[x] stuck 0n u
[x] d day after 2mrw..
[x] war of d w0rLds
[x] wr0ng turn
[x] the terminal
[x] waterboy
[x] cast away..
[x] 50 first dates
[x] jawbreaker
[x] guess wh0?
[x] american pie
[x] down with love
[x] shallow hal
[x] scream
[x] scary movie
[x] wicker park
[x] unleashed
[x] butterfly effect
[x] little nicky
[x] torque
[x] in her shoes
[x] just like heaven
[x] narnia?! lol


[x] jack tv : the sib sh0w
[x] sports disaster
[x] amazing race
[x] maximum exposure
[x] fear fact0r
[x] hb0
[x] extra challenge
[x] lifestyle channel
[x] cinemax
[x] all mtv sh0ws
[x] myx
[x] star movies
[x] cart00n netw0rk
[x] disney channel
[x] nickelodeon...
[x] alias
[x] worlds apart
[x]kid notorious
[x]four eyes
[x]danny phantom
[x]kin possible
[x]drawn together


bOoKs aRe mAn'S bEsT fRiEnD...
wE lEaRn a LoT fRoM iT
...iTs jUsT tHaT....
...bEfOrE wE rEaD iT....


wHo nEedS tHem....
i GoT LotS
... bUT thEY fAiLeD mE!
... i DonT bLaME tHeM
iT's jUsT tHaT...
i sTOpPeD bELieVin