Music, Photography, Writing, Traveling, Giraffes, Shoes, Bags, Accessories, Owls, Socks, Movies, Rain, Puddle Pouncing, Riding in Shopping Carts, Cotton Candy, Roadtrips, Jackets, Gum, and Russia
Hermann Hesse, Vincent Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Gabriel Orozco, any of the transcendentalists , the Bronte Sisters, Eugene Atget, Chris Johns
Imogen Heap, Frou Frou (I can't imagine why?!), Jose Gonzalez, Andrew Bird, Nelly Furtado, Regina Spektor, Love Runner, Sigur Ros, The Thrills, Jem, Miles Davis, South, Ryan Adams, Sufjan Stevens, Death Cab for Cutie, Rilo Kiley, Eva Cassidy, Alison Krauss, Norah Jones, Shout Out Louds, Wilco, matt pond PA, Counting Crows, The Perishers, Rachael Yamagata, Jeff Buckley, and far too many more for this list...
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Garden State, Finding Neverland, Moulin Rouge, and Little Miss Sunshine
Gilmore Girls, Project Runway, One Tree Hill, The Office, and Grey's Anatomy
Siddhartha, On the Road, 1984, Walden, The Old Man and the Sea, and Sentimental Education
Roy Bug and Jessica Bug