i wanna b like haley n have a best guyfren like lucas n have a great husband like nathan n cool frens like peyton n brooke.....ONE TREE HILL rOxX!! no no...i wanna b like peyton who have the chance to b with the guy he love the most...or brooke who have great frens n no boyfren...sumtimes being single is fun! and now im confius!
ofcoz my frens!!! classmates+skoolmates+matrixmates!!rumates+closefrens+prakma tes+kulyamates! a long list i guess! u know who u r ayte??! and the most important,u who stole my heart 3 years ago and i guess its time 4 u to give me back!! coz sum1 else need it. and more....james lafferty,chad micheal murray,hillarie burton,bethany joy lenz,sophia bush,moira kelly! or even better if i say all the one tree hill cast! (no dan plsz!) its a dream come true if i got to meet dem! dun they ever think of coming here??
bethany joy lenz (haley james scott), gavin degraw and fall out boys!
SouNd oF mUsiC-BrIng iT oN-cHeaPer bY d DoZeN -SaVe D LaSt DaNcE-My BeStFrEn WeDdIng-HoNey-tRoY-cIndErELLa sToRy-bRiDe n pReJudIcE-fReaKy FriDaY-LoTr-cRoSSroAd-oCeAn 11-eNouGh-LeGalLy BLoNde-CoYotE uGLy
cUrrEntLy LovInG oNe tReE hiLL (season 4 is sooooo great! luv it)n greY'S aNatOmy!!
JusT gIvE mE anY LoVe stOrIes n aNytHiNg bOuT teEnagErS reaL LifE!
my family n frens! + + + him! no more pencils!