dYeLa +++ profile picture

dYeLa +++

I am here for Friends

About Me

hAnnUuN eAdIeLA yaAcOb 10 ApRiL 1988...simply call me aNon.. a uni student atlast majoring math industry in UTM...my sis call me a calculator.! sgt bangga! hehe! my life changed as i step into UTM.(which i wish too ever since i left school)..meet new great lawak havoc n huha frens syikin,momon,memen n siti or also known as everyone is beautiful...tersgtlah prasan but we dun care! most of the time spent eating n watching drama...ONE TREE HILL all time favourite..im still single n waiting for my mr right to appear! silalah muncul dgn cepat!!! sgt merindui rakan-rakan sekolah especially the boys who always cheer me up! kamu tahu kamu siapa kan? haha! emyl,mieya,shikin,sara,sharm are not forgotten till today! my matrix prakmates,rumates n frens...miss the time we spent together...miss the gossips..miss the bisingness in f5...miss mengusharing si pencil terjatuh (although im still doing it in UTM) khakhakha!...meeting all these peoples make me more matured...hehe! till then.....to b continue...
from OTHWEB.net

My Interests

i wanna b like haley n have a best guyfren like lucas n have a great husband like nathan n cool frens like peyton n brooke.....ONE TREE HILL rOxX!! no no...i wanna b like peyton who have the chance to b with the guy he love the most...or brooke who have great frens n no boyfren...sumtimes being single is fun! and now im confius!

I'd like to meet:

ofcoz my frens!!! classmates+skoolmates+matrixmates!!rumates+closefrens+prakma tes+kulyamates! a long list i guess! u know who u r ayte??! and the most important,u who stole my heart 3 years ago and i guess its time 4 u to give me back!! coz sum1 else need it. and more....james lafferty,chad micheal murray,hillarie burton,bethany joy lenz,sophia bush,moira kelly! or even better if i say all the one tree hill cast! (no dan plsz!) its a dream come true if i got to meet dem! dun they ever think of coming here??


bethany joy lenz (haley james scott), gavin degraw and fall out boys!


SouNd oF mUsiC-BrIng iT oN-cHeaPer bY d DoZeN -SaVe D LaSt DaNcE-My BeStFrEn WeDdIng-HoNey-tRoY-cIndErELLa sToRy-bRiDe n pReJudIcE-fReaKy FriDaY-LoTr-cRoSSroAd-oCeAn 11-eNouGh-LeGalLy BLoNde-CoYotE uGLy


cUrrEntLy LovInG oNe tReE hiLL (season 4 is sooooo great! luv it)n greY'S aNatOmy!!


JusT gIvE mE anY LoVe stOrIes n aNytHiNg bOuT teEnagErS reaL LifE!


my family n frens! + + + him! no more pencils!