I'm 24 years of age.
I'm a Wolfbiker.
I'm a dork and I'm not ashamed of it.
Why should I be? I am who I am, and anyone who thinks that's wrong can go to hell.
I read comic books... wanna fight about it?
I'm a bit beyond sarcastic. Some interpret this as meaning that I hate you. This couldn't be farther from the truth... I'm just a dick. BIG difference.
My wrath is quite difficult to earn. Trust me, if I hate you, you will KNOW it.
Incidentally, my wrath comes in a plethora of flavors: mint, strawberry, grape, pineapple, and pain!
I'm also quite arrogant. Deal with it or don't... I really don't give a shit.
I'm studying the culinary arts.
I have pretty much the best group of friends ever.
I consume copious amounts of caffeine on a daily basis.
I'm bored nearly all the time.
Boredom and I are sworn enemies due to this fact.
I like video games a bunch.
I rock ass in the kitchen. If I like you bunches, I might cook for you sometime.
My favorite things in the whole world are music and entertaining those I care about... even if I sometimes suck at the latter.
I love all kinds of music, especially metal, hardcore and punk. Despite that, I still dig stuff that isn't brutal.
I'm also addicted to new music.
...I've also got Music ADD reaaaaaaaaaally bad.
I love gore. I cannot stress this enough. They haven't made a movie or video game violent enough to bother me yet.
I STILL think the Transformers kick ass.
I think LOLcats are hysterical.
I'm obscenely good at God of War.
I think that war is bullshit. I'm anti-war, I refuse to support it, and I'm not a commie. Deal with it. If you're pro-war, then you're pro-killing innocent people... and are therefore a fucking moron.
Yes, I realize the bitter irony that I said I love gore above... get over it.
I don't believe in Fate, because I think the concept of Fate negates the concept of a God... I mean, if you're preselected to take all actions you'll take, then why would there be an Afterlife?
I therefore believe all organized religions to be bullshit.
...key emphasis on "organized".
I think it's a sad state of affairs when voting forces you to choose between the lesser of two evils.
I love meeting new people... provided you aren't offended by the word "Fuck", we'll get along just fine.
I absolutely hate it when I post or text someone and they don't respond until two days later, about something unrelated. It's no different then asking someone in person, "Hey, you know what's awesome?" and they stand there, staring blankly at you for 3 or 4 hours without saying a word, and then suddenly shout "I LIKE MASHED POTATOES!".
I hate being lonely.
I heart moshing a bunch, but I don't do it much anymore... too much hatred out there.
I can't fucking stand dishonesty or flakiness as traits in people.
And I'm fucking AWESOME.
That's pretty much it.
Wanna talk to me?
AIM= signsofgrey
Messenger= [email protected]
..If You Don't Support Net Neutrality, Then I Don't
Want To Be Friends With You.
Fuck Off.
I've got this little project going with some friends called "Modest Reviews by Modest Men"... we review movies, the way normal people should. Please pop on over there and add it if'n you don't mind:
Modest Reviews by Modest Men on MySpace!