**** My Past ****
Greetings, thanks for coming. well I've been privallaged over the years to share my testimony. So I thought I would share with people who I am.
I was raised In El Cajon, Ca where I had no father to raise me, only a single mother and four other brothers and sisters. Imagine how hard it was for my mom who's faith was strong for God our Creator as she raised us through day In and day out. I lived in El Cajon from when I was born up to age 7.
My mother decided to leave El Cajon to for fresh start elsewhere. She said the move would be good for the family. We then moved to Lakeside, California in July 1994. When we moved I was a little scared thinking,
Oh great, I am moving from the hood scene to Cowboy-ville! I knew that the move would be a change in my life and little did I know that God was on the move with me! From that move to Lakeside, I was searching for a role model. Someone who I could depend on and trust. I was searching for a purpose in this life. Many times I was discouraged because I was poor, had no one to guide me through troubles, and I was just all alone. I began to fall apart and cause trouble; stealing, breaking windows, fighting, and damaging private propertyall because I didnt have that role model. In other words I didn't have a father. My mother could not control me so I was out doing my own thing. In November 1996 during the sixth grade, a friend of the family called us and invited us to a local Church. We were happy to go thinking, Hey, Church wont hurt us! It might even keep me out of trouble. It was something I liked doing, going to Church to worship God, and learn about the Bible. I loved it so much that I stayed there and attended Church regularly.
Towards the end of my eight grade school year, the Word of God spoke to me. I got saved and became a Christian. It was only Jesus and His blood that could save me and during this time. I was really searching for God, and His word spoke to me realizing that Jesus loved me so much and cared for me more than anyone. I started to feel his presence when I would sing praise songs to him and there in my bathroom is where I surrendered my life after looking in the mirror and being ashamed of what I called myself a Christian and not showing it. I began a new life. I knew that being a Christian was not going to be easy, especially not having the role model I needed and about to enter into high school with all the pressure of trying to be different than everyone else. Yet I started high school, and it all went downhill falling into peer pressure with friends and life. For two years I lived the life of calling myself a Christian, and not doing what God wanted me to do. During those two years I hung around the wrong people who cursed, partied, used drugs, and caused trouble. I also began to curse as well. I always used to fight with my brothers and sisters too. My Christian friends always used to tell me, Man, why are you doing all this bad stuff and still calling yourself a Christian? I ignored them and continued my worldly lifestyle going to Church on Sunday and living a crazy out of control life during the week, and still calling myself a Christian. In the middle of my sophomore year in high school the Word of God really hit me hard and I finally realized that the world had nothing to offer. It was only God who offered a true life. The two verses in the Bible that hit me were 1 John 2:15-17 and 2 Cor. 5:17. After coming to realize this, I re-committed my life to the Lord. I prayed a special prayer telling God, Use me in a big way, help me count and make a difference in this life. Do whatever you want with me, just help me to live for you!
God heard my prayer! Within weeks God began to use me. I had the desire to read the Bible and serve only Him. At school, I began to talk to people about God. I would just start asking questions like, Do you believe there is a God? Do you believe in an after life after you die?
God began to move within me. His Spirit was pumping up my heart. People began to come to me and ask me questions about the Bible, heaven and hell, and why I was talking about God at school and I loved it! I had the chance to talk to many people about my personal relationship with God and how they too could have that same personal relationship. God was using me as a light for my peers. I was the preacher boy. I was the Bible thumper. I shared with students, teachers, and even the Principal. This happened the last two years of high school. I had the chance to share so I did and I am thankful. I did share with hundreds of people. At my high school graduation, I had many people come up to me and tell me, Hey man, thank you for being who you are. Thank you for preaching to me. Thanks for being there for me. I was so encouraged by those things people said to me, and it motivated me to just continue to do what I was doing in high school. That is to talk to people about God. Today, in college I still talk to people about God. I still encourage people to live for Him. First, realize that you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength (Phil. 4:13) Many people would think, Oh, I cant change, I cant make a difference. But you can through Christ Jesus. Pray for help and guidance. I want to encourage everyone to live for the Lord because He is the only answer in life. For the young people, let the Lord use you now and it will guide you to a better life down the road. Dont let anything or anyone get in the way of living for Jesus Christ. If you need help, pray and ask for help and God will help you! if you want to talk about something please e-mail me. I check my e-mail daily and I will respond.
**** TODAY ****That change was made! I now go sharing with people the word everywhere I go. I also do broadcasting commercials/voice-overs so if you want or know somebody who needs a commercial for radio let me know. "Harley, is the next Jerry Colman."Tom kirland. People know i'm one day going to be on the radio someday, i have that voice. People always like to hear it. One time while at a hang out with friends we were watching a video football game that I got a chance to announce and it was two well know NFL football teams on TV. A lady walked up and said, what football game are you watching? One guy said No, were not really were listerning to the brodcaster
Harley Gunther. Boy she couldn't believe it, but she was so happy and then smiled. She's like wow sounds like a real brodcaster there.
For all booking inquires or intrest please send me an e-mail. For more information on my radio commercials please go to www.harleygunther.com. My major is communications.
It's so crazy to think back on how the Lord my God has worked and how today I'm so blessed. I mean I get to do something I love. I get to be around people who love me and respect me. Remeber that God is real.
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