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Hey Myspace! Here I am, embarking on a new life and it's turning out to be GREAT! For those of you who I haven't been able to talk to recently, I've returned to school for my Masters in Business Administration. I'm so excited!!! I've returned to my alma mater South Florida Community College in Avon Park to pursue this degree via Webster University! I was just hired to work for a wonderful organization, SFCC's Branch of Take Stock in Children! I feel so blessed! I'm so optimistic in this small town and I see so many opportunities!I'm so happy to again be near the best family in the world, MINE'S! Congrats to my big brother/best friend Richard on marrying the love of his life, Shaneka! Shout out to my Sister/homegirl/best friend/psychic/stylist..... Maria, I'm so proud of you, keep doing YOU, because "I guess" we all know "that's the best thing to be" huh? Gabe, I love you lil brother :) I can't believe you'll be grown soon!!In the past few years, God has blessed me to do the unbelieveable! I've met a lot of people in my short political career and I aspire to hold office one day!!Header Banner Made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!