Your Sex Sign is Aries!
You're fiery, independent, and the best anyone's
ever had.
You're so hot that you drive everyone wild with
sexual frustration.
You're a total star when you're on top, but you
also need to be impressed in bed.Aries, you are headstrong, spolied, fiery in
temperment, and fiercely independent.
You always want to be the best anyone's ever had,
and you'll spend all night convincing your
lover that you are.
Don't worry - you usually are the best anyone has
ever had.
When you get down, you don't leave out anything.Sexually, you're a leader and very sure of
One of your favorite positions is being on top,
where you can move freely - while letting
your lover observe you orgasm.
Sex with you is always exciting.
You start with teasing, playful seduction - that
always drives your lovers wild with
You always deliver though!You love being over powered, and you respond to a
strong sexual appetite with equal fervor.
The confident lover who can give you breathtaking,
powerful sex will have you eating out of his
or her hand.
What is your sex sign?
brought to you by Quizilla
How Good are you at Certain Things?
Favorite Color
Sex - 100%
Romance - 34%
Self - Control - 47%
Kissing - 34%
Cuddling - 20%
Kinkiness - 3%
This QuickKwiz by KillianO - Taken 94 Times.
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REAL PEOPLE that aren't afraid to be themselves and be TRUTHFUL about their lives and goals. HONESTY is ALWAYS best with me..even if that means I get hurt..I'd rather know the truth then be led on.
I listen to pretty much anything..just depends on the mood.
Forrest Gump, Ladder 49, Wedding Crashers, pretty much anything.
I don't watch much tv but when I do it's reality tv or CSI..something along those lines.
Devinci Code, When Elephants Weep, Animal Speak, also depends on the mood I'm in.
My Daddy, David Garcia (my pen-pal from Operation Desert Storm), ALL MEN AND WOMEN SERVING OUR COUNTRY