In addition to the chief editor and head writer for the Urban Artist Group's "Sounds from the City Earth Underground" segment, I am now the Indie Music Journalist for the Philadelphia Examiner. The past two months have seen a handful of my articles published by them. The bands and singer/songwriters featured so far have been: "Da Comrade!," "the Riot Before," "Justin Duerr," "Robert Sarazin Blake," and another on "Northern Liberties." And I am currently finishing up articles on: "Mischief Brew," Fistolo Records, "Pete & the Tar Gang," "Boners & Airplanes," "Country Bob & the Bloodfarmers," "Joe Jack Talcum," "the Bee Team," and "Franz Nicolay." If you are a Philly band or singer/songwriter, feel free to send your material to me at the following address:the Urban Artist Group
attn: James G. Carlson
102 E. Main Street, #6
Macungie, PA 18062
usaKnow that I do consider ALL Submissions. And because I get so many of them, it sometimes takes a while for the article to appear in print or online. Either way, I do reply to each and every e-mail and piece of post I get.
de(copy & paste the above link to your search field to get to my Examiner Page. And while there, please subscribe to my segment to get e-mail notifications of all my contributions to the publication.)Recently I put together a sort of temporary makeshift website in order to post the finished articles (on the Independent bands and singer/songwriters of the City Earth Underground) for the upcoming Issue, as well as convey announcements, news, shows, record releases, and so on. The response to the website has been wonderfully unexpected, and thus it has gone from a website to a sort of webzine...and not so temporary, after all. On the Articles Page of the site, you can read the articles on: "David Dondero," "Robert Sarazin Blake," "Timber Timbre," "the Autumn Picture," "imadethismistake," "the Ghostwrite," "Raise Up Roof Beams," "the Good Day Sir," "Tin Tree Factory," "Future Kings of Nowhere," "Tim Holehouse," "Naomi Hates Humans," "Yeller Bellies,"
"the Devil Makes Three," and "Da Comrade!" It's actually a good thing that this has happened, even if unintentionally, as before I was only able to release two Issues in print per year or so, and that's if I was lucky. Now I can publish articles weekly, progress permitting, and make daily updates, etc. Now, the site is still in its infancy, so please bear with us until we can design it in a more permanent and presentable way. And keep checking in for new articles and updates. In fact, pretty soon you should be able to read articles on: "the Devil Makes Three," "Two Gallants," "the Andrew Jackson Jihad," "Mischief Brew," "the Riot Before," "Lion Eyes," "Da Comrade!," and "Endless Mike & the Beagle Club," among others. The link to our website/webzine is...
The Urban Artist Group presents...Sounds from the City Earth Underground is our first Issue dedicated solely to one specific artistic medium, in this case music, independent bands and singer/songwriters. So far there will be full-length feature articles on the following bands and singer/songwriters (all of whom have proven themselves to be very talented artists and remarkable musicians with fresh levels of originality and unique vision), with the exception of the those already mentioned above, at the Webzine: "Andrew Jackson Jihad," "Ghost Mice," "Mischief Brew," "Pete & the Tar Gang," "the Riot Before," the Boy Bathing," "the Pasties," "Dandelion Junk Queens," "Endless Mike & the Beagle Club," "Barons of Tang," "Catgut Mary," "the Motorcylce Industry," "Lion Eyes," "Mother Nevada," "the Neverbeens," "Ride Your Bike," "Your Heart Breaks," "Justin Duerr & the Auric Doves of Avalon" (and/or "Justin Duerr & the Etheric Phoenix of Love"), and others. *This lineup is subject to change, however.
SUBMISSIONS: We accept submissions year round from every artistic medium imaginable. There are no restrictions or limitations other than that we do not consider racist, sexist, religious, or pro-establishment material under ANY circumstances (unless of course the materials are anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-religion, or pro-anarchist in nature). Mainly we are looking for: poems, short stories, bands and singer/songwriters (whose music we review, and about whom we write full-length feature articles, etc), photographs, comics, drawings, image duplications of paintings compatible with our format, and so on.Incidentally, you can send submissions to:the Urban Artist Group HQ
attn: James G. Carlson
1703 S Albert Street, unit 5
Allentown, PA 18103
[email protected]
blog page:*****************
*******************************************VERY EXCITING NEWS: Arist, musician, and singer/songwriter, Justin Duerr, of Philadelphia, will be providing the artwork for the cover of the Urban Artist Group's upcoming Issue. Justin is also one of the featured singer/songwriters in the magazine, and he best known for his artwork, of course, as well as his band Northern Liberties, and now his solo material as Justin Duerr and the Etheric Phoenix of Love and/or Justin Duerr and the Auric Doves of Avalon (yes, he is quite preoccupied with birds!). But his art is nothing short of incredible, and we are honored to be displaying his work on the cover of this Issue. Thanks, Justin.*****************************************************
*******Also, incidentally, I would like to offer a very public, "Thank you," to Richard Olmsted, whose art will be appearing on the cover of my next book: The Mother of Exiles by James G. Carlson. Richard is a very talented young artist, whose highly creative and expressive pieces are nothing short of great contributions to the art world.******************************************************
******The purpose of the Urban Artist Group is to both support and showcase the work of the underground artists of the City Earth; which is to say, the artists who have starved and suffered for their art, who have refused to sell out, who have avoided the profiteering corporate devils of Big Business America and the many evils of marketing propaganda geared towards manipulating the minds and hearts of the targeted youth cultures of our times, and who create art for the sake of art itself. The Urban Artist Group is not exclusive to any one type of art, which means that we work with: poets, writers, musicians, photographers, painters, graffiti artists, cartoonists, tattoo artists...and, of course, those individuals who have endeavored to take on new and interesting artistic mediums that are both nameless and highly experimental. Most of the artists we work with are unpublished. And then there are some who have had work shown in other zines and whatnot. But we do not, under any circumstances, show the work of any mainstream artist whose work reflects all of the other assembly line copies of uninspired artistic garbage, or anti-art, for lack of a better term, which is created for the singular reason of achieving some level of recognition, and for that recognition to lead to wealth and a more desirable status on the rungs of that social ladder toward the top of the hierarchal pyramid, etc. Quite simply, we are very much against prostiting our art, as well as assisting others in prostiting their art...for there are far too many art whores in the scene as it is, to be sure. It is an avenue through which we can feed all of the important, meaningful, and worthwhile art and artists in the City Earth Underground, while sharing with the world all of the inspired and original masterpieces born of these infinitely talented and driven individuals. It is rebel art. It is the art of Freedom and Individuality, which in my way of thinking is nothing short of synonymous with anarchism. Next to Nature itself, and next to the few undeniably breathtaking things of human civilization, underground art is the most beautiful and natural thing in existence.
Like the generations before it--the Lost Generation's F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway, whose literary achievements changed the literary world irrevokably...and then the Beat Generation's Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs, and Allen Ginsberg, whose poetry and literary work went against the literary and artistic standards and norms of their time, causing an literary revolution (the likes of which hasn't been seen since)---the Urban Artist Group began with the Suiciden Generation. As an artist I represent the Suicide Generation, and it is my job to hold the door open for those of the new generation who want to take part in our artistic and literary revolutions.
So...send in your photographs (preferrably black-and-white), your sketches, your poems, your short stories, your band's demo...hell, send in your whole damn portfolio, if you're so inclined, and we will definitely consider your work for the next issue of the Urban Artist Group Magazine.-------------------------------------------