About Me
ABout the next big thing
Since 1996 The Next Big Thing has been providing opportunities for performers of original music in Western Australia. Since the first Next Big Thing, indigenous musician Kerrianne Cox from Broome, to the most recent wearers of the crown, Project Mayhem, The Next Big Thing has been an almost uncanny barometer of emerging talent. Performers who were crowned The Next Big Thing include John Butler, Snowman, Streetlight, Harlequin League and many others.
But The Next Big Thing is not just about the performances. Judging at all levels, from the entries to live showcases and song writing is undertaken by judges picked from a rotating pool of industry specialists. This gives these artists’ work exposure to all levels of the industry. All acts selected as having the best performance at their showcase gig get the opportunity to work with a producer in a professional recording studio to record a track for the showcase CD. With showcase gigs being held from the far north to the very south of the state, this is an opportunity that many musicians will otherwise never have, especially those in regional WA.
As a not-for-profit organization, The Next Big Thing relies on its community partners and its volunteers for its continuing success. We have great plans for the future and we hope you will continue to support us to grow this great community of performers of original music in Western Australia. The more you support us, the more we can achieve.
Friday 3 April marked the opening date for entries in the 2009 competition. The Next Big Thing welcomes entries from any artists residing in Western Australia performing in any genre. Artists have until 8th May to get their entries in and be in the running for these generous prizes.
With a total prize pool of over $70,000, the state winner receives an entire musician’s starter kit including recording time with a producer, 500 copies of their own CD, video clip production, CD distribution, photography, advertising in street press, rehearsal room time, equipment insurance, guaranteed performances at the WAMi’s, In the Pines and the Big Day Out, plus the opportunity to join the ranks of previous winners such as Harlequin League, Streetlight, Snowman and John Butler.
2008 Winners:
1st Project Mayhem
2nd The Typhoons
3rd Boys Boys Boys