Well to start with my is Stephen and I am 18 and have had quite an adventure in life so far. Things about me huh? Hmmmmm Well I am a very peacful person a passivest I bealive in world peace and wish every day for it. Think that we should all just stop fighing it just dosent make any since too me but o well the world will realize there mistakes one but that day will be too late
I love to travel I am going to amsterdamn in 08 and i am pumped. I was with the carnival all my life except for the last 4 years now. If you dont bealive me fine then I know the truth on the inside of myself and that is all that matters
I love going to concerts and hanging out with friends.I love food and plan on being a chef one day or maybee not you never know in this world but that is what i am planning on. Music really does fuel my soul and makes my life.I think that friends are one of the most important things in life. I have had friends there for me during the hardest parts of my life when family wasnt. And there is a few random facts about me.