I am the doll of the 21st Century. I was created in Ohio and lived with Trickydame until she & her family moved to Missouri. Years later, I moved, yet again with Trickydame in tow, to Chicago. In 1993, I moved to New York City, Trickydame joined me a year later. This was a childhood dream she and I shared. To live in NYC…!
I live in the East Village. I am an actor, store front model, and artist. I share an art studio in Chinatown with Trickydame and Chris Mcevoy. I have a few projects pending. I am always looking for new films to add to my resume.
Trickydame began playing with Tom (in the basement) as a young girl in Ohio. A Christmas present from Grandma Morton to her grandchildren, Helen Morton never imagined just how far the little doll would go. She is proud that her gift allowed Trickydame to follow her personal AMERICAN DREAM!!!
Tom 4 PEACE. is part of the DEFENDERS, a group of world citizens who take action to support the well being of the planet and all of its in habitants. Defenders are Free Thinkers!
It’s a call to action - speak up - be seen - let’s take back our country and enjoy our planet with the others who call it home.
Tom 4 Peace is a collection of actions, ideas, words and images from other free thinkers that reflect a 21st Century World.
If one keeps trying and believing, anything is possible. Believe me, if a doll from Ohio can move to NYC and become a celebrity, artist, icon, -- anyone can do anything. We believe you can too.
Trickydame & Tom hope they can count on your support in our pursuit of nation-wide “Magic Passion Loveâ€â€¦.
Free Thinkers Unite!!