I love tatoos, I am slightly addicted to them. My parents love the fact that I work where it is not okay to be covered in them. It is a good job so I can't go crazy. We used to make it a trip when every one was close. "lets go to the tatoo shop" :o) I wish all my friends lived close...Yes I mean you Julia :o) Just hanging out after a long day at work would be great if they were all around.
I like everything. Even country sometimes (Josh Turner, Carrie Underwood) and only if it is being sung by a bunch of my drunk friends. Tsunami Bomb is one of my favorite bands. She is so cool, she has so much energy, even when shes not singing your entertained. From The Sounds to Kinky, You never know what you are going to hear coming from my i-pod.
I have an antenna and it only picks up 4 of the 5 channels that I get up here. and one of them is the espanol channel and I can pretend that i am multi cultural, but I can't understand a thing that they are saying. "she was flatter then a day old soda" Robot Chicken Thanks to Tom. hehehe
What are they?..I had to buy a bunch of those when I went to college.. but I just used them as pillows when I was supposed to be studying. I thought that I could absorb it better that way... thank you Julia for your help in calculus...And thank you John for keeping me company while i was sleeping
MY MOM...man does that women put up with some shit.