-=cRazy gUrL=- profile picture

-=cRazy gUrL=-

... Lyf will b haRd if U thiNk it's haRd...so thiNk dat Lyf is Easy so EveRytHin wiLL bE Easy 4u...

About Me

oNe of d bOys, simpLe ' quitE wEiRd as thEy say....tHin (rather sExy), LoNg haiR with coffiE with d' mix of crEam coLor, i Love eatiNg aLL d' tym...esp rice, pasta, chocolates n' fiLipino deLicaciEs, coffiE addict n' moody but somE onE you can Lean on iNcasE you need hELp. I luv beaches, malls, parks, chess, billiards n basketball…luv 2 cook I Luv almost everythin in my lyf, I really luv pampering myself sometimes an extrovert person, im crazy (I admit it) but im not stupid…im genuine to those who deserve it and I really hate people who talk behind of friends, im a well organized person and hate dirt…im not pretty nor a gorgeous lady so no need to tell that in front of my face, I know wer 2 put myself n I know my limitations, I drink n smoke and fight… I know im a badgurl …but d hell I don’t want 2 change coz u like me 2do that, ill do it in my own if I want to….no one is allow to control all my decisions, so its up 2u if u want me 2be ur friend or not ,I don’t care if some people don’t like me coz of my attitude (coz they don’t even know wer I hve been)…I’m just fight 4my (friends) right… I truly believe that everything’s happen 4 a reason…im so easy 2 please but I do hve standards. I really treasure my family n fRienDs….im sO lucky 4 having them in my life. Wat eLz.. I beeN hatiNg gUys as a LovEr 4 a loNg time... (4 wat reason) simply b’cOz thEy used 2 hUrt mE but I luv them as a friend…I fall twice to a wrong person n it cause so much pain and its hard 4me 2 trust again, after that happened I close my door n think that no one can enter again unless someone can find d key. I enjoy bein single, improud 2b one!!!but I want 2 make it cLear that im not conceited…. I’ll reserve others things 4u 2 find oUt…just ask me!!!hmmmm...im getti happier each day...tnx God

My Interests

i Luv spoRts, diFF kiNds of mUsic , cookiNg n gOiNg oUt w/fRieNdz n 2 dRink n dRunk, chocoLates, nEt suRfing, chEss, biLLiards, baskEtbaLL, bEachEs, maLLs, paRks, baR, caFe (cap[UchiNo) etc.

I'd like to meet:

...cooL, hoNest....a pErsoN wHo has a pUrE hEart...no Lies, and someone wHo wiLL tEach mE 2 tRust agaiN n somEone wHo wiLL pRovE 2me tHat d tRue luv stiLL existiNg (huh).... %D%AsomEonE wHo wiLL Luv me w/o aNy cOditioNs n uNdeRstaNd my innEr feeLiNgs...%D%A%D%AwHo wiL waLk w/ mE aLonG d bEach, sit bEside mE wHyL listEniNg 2a gUd mUsiC..who wiL giv mE nEw cookiNg rEcEpi, play caRds oR chEss in d midLLe of d niGht (i'm weird)...%D%A%D%A%D%ApEopLe aRouNd d' woRLd n LeaRn thEir cuLture.....oLd lOng loSt fRiEnds....evEry onE is wElcome c,")
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I made this music player at MyFlashFetish .com.


Rock, ballad, luv song, alrenative, slow rock, acoustic


50 fiRst datE, craZy bEautifuL, savE d Last dancE


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chiLdrEns book and tHink Big...http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y53/iMangela/Pics/MyS pace%20Images/MySpace%20Comments/cute.gif


...my luvEonEs
MySpace Love Comments

My Blog

....cant beleive

yeheyyy...im one year now in dubai...   cant beleive that i survive
Posted by -=cRazy gUrL=- on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 12:56:00 PST

...my hero...

This is the perfect day to give thanks 2 a greatest person in our life...our mom for bein there all d time for us&.since pregnancy, giving birth n childhood&a lot of sacrifices she made 4us, she prepa...
Posted by -=cRazy gUrL=- on Sat, 12 May 2007 05:29:00 PST

...tired n sick ...

Im sick n tired after more than 20 years living on earth&since childhood I always receive same comment &.during my school days in elementary n high school till college days they used to teased me "ur ...
Posted by -=cRazy gUrL=- on Thu, 10 May 2007 06:43:00 PST

The Fern and the Bamboo...i luv this one

One day I decided to quit. I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality. I wanted to quit my life. I went to the woods to have one last talk with God."God", I said. "Can you give me one good reason...
Posted by -=cRazy gUrL=- on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 12:48:00 PST


I refuse to w8 for u any longer. There was a time in my life when I would have saved myself for you alone. In my heart no one else would do. I belonged to no one else but you. That isn't me anymore. M...
Posted by -=cRazy gUrL=- on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 02:28:00 PST

my LifE in dUbai....

my LifE in dUbai     &&.I'ts bEEn 5 moNths now siNce I stEp in hEaRt of oNe of thE woLlds richEst rEgioNs, Dubai  as I rEmembEr&may 31..my Last day at phiL&I wakE up eaRLy 2 pRepaRe eve...
Posted by -=cRazy gUrL=- on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 03:23:00 PST