i Luv spoRts, diFF kiNds of mUsic , cookiNg n gOiNg oUt w/fRieNdz n 2 dRink n dRunk, chocoLates, nEt suRfing, chEss, biLLiards, baskEtbaLL, bEachEs, maLLs, paRks, baR, caFe (cap[UchiNo) etc.
...cooL, hoNest....a pErsoN wHo has a pUrE hEart...no Lies, and someone wHo wiLL tEach mE 2 tRust agaiN n somEone wHo wiLL pRovE 2me tHat d tRue luv stiLL existiNg (huh).... %D%AsomEonE wHo wiLL Luv me w/o aNy cOditioNs n uNdeRstaNd my innEr feeLiNgs...%D%A%D%AwHo wiL waLk w/ mE aLonG d bEach, sit bEside mE wHyL listEniNg 2a gUd mUsiC..who wiL giv mE nEw cookiNg rEcEpi, play caRds oR chEss in d midLLe of d niGht (i'm weird)...%D%A%D%A%D%ApEopLe aRouNd d' woRLd n LeaRn thEir cuLture.....oLd lOng loSt fRiEnds....evEry onE is wElcome c,")
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Rock, ballad, luv song, alrenative, slow rock, acoustic
50 fiRst datE, craZy bEautifuL, savE d Last dancE
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chiLdrEns book and tHink Big...http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y53/iMangela/Pics/MyS pace%20Images/MySpace%20Comments/cute.gif
...my luvEonEs
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