Baking cookies, long walks on the beach, cuddling up to a fire, camping out in the back yard reading under the moonlight, frolicking through the meadows catching butterflies....Ok those things are great but really i like to play basketball, chill with my friends...and o yea how could i forget about spend time editing profiles on the internet, u know the little things in life that are musts haha.
All the beautiful exotic ladies from all over the world
Hip-Hop, R&B...a lil bit of everything else except hardcore headbanger screaming and yelling moshpitting biting heads off animals type stuff
What the hell are movies???
We have televisions now??? O right and now your gonna tell me something crazy like we have computers, haha like that's ever gonna happen.
Ha yeah i really read (unless it's in a tent under the moonlight)
Those that doubt me...I love these people, they just make the soldier come out of me...i also have to shout out muscle juice, creators of Adult swim, the "O yea" kool-aid guy/thing or w/e the hell it is, chicken, bottled water, liquor, '06, the guy down the street that sells PB&J sandwiches out of his trunk, and last but certainly not least...cheese, behold the power of it bitches!!!