I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking
About Me
('-@LL aBoUt mE-')
‘Ordinary person havin’ lots of extra ordinary dreams (but nothing is impossible, as they say) bubbly and simple…nice most of the time, but a bitch for those annoying people…straight forward when it comes to my ideas and can be insensitive sometimes (but I ask for forgiveness right away, if I know that I’m wrong)…a very transparent (u can really feel if I don’t like you or if I’m upset with somethin’)…romantic person……wear jeans & shirt most of the time…treasure my friends sooo much…love my family…a fighter…frank…down to earth…simple…friendly (i hope)…opinionated…bossy sometimes…love’s too meet other people and make friends with them (if they like)('-THING'S I'VE LEARNED-')
1.To be sTrOnG 2.To take the down side of my life as a challenge…sometimes, you have to give up someone for you to realize that there's a lot of people who love's you sInCeReLy & someone you can call a true friend.....c",)3. FRiEnDsHiP is not based on how long you've been together or how much you gave to that particular person & expect something in return, instead its how you accept the floss of each other and despite of your individual differences you still manage to fix things up & take it in on a mAtUrE lEvEl4.In every fIgHt there's always a winner and a looser5.Learn to aCcEpT your mistakes & say sOrRy6.You dont have to pLeAsEd everybody7.MOnEy does not make the world go round, its your relationship with other people, love & peace of mind8.Be tRuE in every way you can9.Take lIfE in a lighter way10.As long as your not hurting anybody, do what you think is rIgHt11.You should kNoW when to say yes or no12.Learn to let go if nEeDeD & learn to fight for it, if its wOrTh iT! 13.Everything happens for a rEaSoN14.In every decision that you make, you should always be ready for the cOnSeQuEnCeS of your actions15.Pride can rUiN any kind of relationship.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
......da one hu's reading this.....yes ITS YOU!!!!