Im known as Mitch. Short for Michelle. Thanks.
I share a general love of the world in the sense that I want to explore it and know it.
I have great friends that will stand by me and help me out even in the gravest of situations. It's good to have them around. I'm there for you too muffy babes.
Most of the time, I'm told I have the patience of a saint. Though in comparison I would never say so myself... recently I've given my world view a second glance. We, as people, take in so much information from day to day, but how much of it do we remember? How much of it actually interests us to want to explore it further? I'm not sure about you but if curiosity killed the cat, I should be fucking dead.
Given the chance at any moment to say that this "real life" that I live now wont matter in a few years, I would drop it all and travel the world as my purpose in life. I wasn't born of blood and flesh and mind to not know as much as I can about this world.. I'd feel worthless otherwise.
To end this bit I want some people to know, my family, my close friends not matter what the distance is between us.. I love you and want you to share that and anything with me.
On another note, Im big into video games as well, Imagination in almost any form gets me crazy. and I eat bowls of applesauce whilst using a graham cracker as a spoon. I love food.
People are complex. We'll never truly know eachother, I cannot see through your eyes or understand the way you think.
I can try though.