Basically I'm complicated,I have a hard time taking the easy way...its deep how you can be so shallow, and im afraid cuz i have no fear, and i didnt believe in magic until i watched you disappear...everybody is somebody, but no 1 wants 2b themselves, and if i ever wanted to understand me, i have to talk to someone else, i can go on and on, but who cares? ...who am i ?....I am the world's first aesthete/fashion designer/music junkie/student/muslim/recovered Sneaker Addict/sartorialist/timepiece enthusiast/literature lover/soldier/future lawyer/big dreamer/martial-artist/conversationalist/lover of travel/revolutionary/streetwear carnesour/tailored fine menswear addict/weightlifter/writer/....well i can go on and on, but who cares?
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