My interests lie in many categories:
Music, sports, family, friends, the occassional video games with friends, living my life to the fullest.
Your death will be murder....Most likely because
your a very social person and everyone knows
you, but there is one person lurking in the
shadows that is so jealous of you or is so
obsessed they end up killing you...There are
many ways of being depends on the
person, but your death will either be slow and
painful (like being stabed to death) or quiek
and painless (like a gunshot to the head).Thats FUCKING Creepy!!!
How Will You Die And Why? .:Beautiful Dark Pics:.
brought to you by Quizilla
Anyone who is outgoing and is an all around nice person. lol. Def anyone who enjoys my interests and is willing to get to know me.
Your Homicidal Rampage! by crash_and_burn
Your name:
Weapon of Choice: Handgun
Your Favorite Target: Tourists
Your Kill Count: 998,044,215
Your Battle Cry: "Mutha fuckaaaaaaas!"
Years You Spend in Jail: 27
How Much Money In Damages You Cause: $235,610,829,739,360
Your Homocidal Insanity Level:: 99%
Quiz created with MemeGen !
Anything that will get me in a grove. Head bouncin and feet stompin. i love it all. music is my life. You are a TRUE rockstar! You love music and you
want it to be in your life forever. Chances are
you are going to be famous, but you're not in
it for the fame and fortune your in it because
you LOVE it so much!
Are You Going To Be A Rock Star?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are the lead singer! You are a born leader and
don't take s!@.. from anyone! Your not scared of
anything and you are always doing what you want
to do no matter what anyone says to you! cool!
What Position Will You Play In A Band?
brought to you by Quizilla
Anything and i mean anything associated with Mel Brookes he FUKIN Rocks.. i def. have a sweet tooth for comedy. i love to laugh! wow i cant even mention all my favorite movies. THERES JUST TO MANY!
anything stupid funny....
hmm. i dont really enjoy reading. just cant get into books lol I hope that doesnt make me a bad person lol. The only reading i can do is anything science related.
My dad, he has made me into a strong person physically, mentally, and emotionally. And my Gran pop (RIP, i know ur lookin after me) "Never Give Up This May Be Your Chance For A Miracle", he has shown me that hard work pays off in the end, and to never give up on the things you love.