I love to play lacrosse, i play i the middie position. It is like the funnest sport that i ever played.I love to listen to music. I love to go to the races with my dad.. he owns and drives the racecar...hopefully next year i will be driving...but questionable. We go every friday to PENN CAN SPEEDWAY. We finished 12th for the season last year. hopefully a top ten season finish this year....I LOVE RACEING!!!
Anyonei would like to me some nice people...not 400lb. gay black people!!hahah
I am into a called Breaking Benjamin,I am always listening to them. They are mostly the only band that i listen to.i love maroon 5...now i like an awsome band called VERVE PIPE....the freshman and i will never let you down. great songs...I like everythig but fucking rap. B/c you cant spell crap without rap!!RAP SUCKS!!
swat,40 year old virgin,wedding crashers,american pie,band camp Weding crashers all the american pie...
Yes,dear,Everybody loves ramond,Next all of MTV
well i am not a very big reader so....this isnt a very good catigory..
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MY hero is muhamed Ali he said that " IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING" With is a very good saying.. it means if you stick your mind to something and are determined that you can achieve anything.