mUsic, gUitArs, clubbing, partin' til d break of dawn,photography,billaRds, bAdmiNton, swiMmiNg, icE cReam,maLtesErs! butterflies and unicorns... soon 2 b hUsband: dUncan rAmos and brent javier..hihi!Ãœthe beach..src=" 000068UMA.jpg" alt="Image hosted by"
id like to meet anyone...Ü just as long as he/she is fun to be with..someOne who's oUtgoing and adventururous.. people whO aRe not afrAid to tRy new thiNgz!Ü
reGgae(luv song, santeria, amber,hold me now,red2x wine,cud u be loved,breakfast in bed, three lil birds, love generation) and acOustic(til dey take my hart away,tears in heaven, biglaan, kailan,esp. 4 you,torete,sulat,nasaan ka) breakdown, notice me, going crazy house(pink is da color,satisfaction,tempted to touch,xaro,flying away
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get over it, She's ALL thAt, a bEautifUL miNd, hEad oVer hEals, spidErman 1&2 aNd eUrotRip, original sin, kill bil, killing me softly, a beautiful mind, 50 first d8s, the notebook, serendipity, if only, just lyk heaven =)
mYx... Ur chOice ur mUsic ! etc and niCkeLodEon ! hhe...
LoVe stOriE's: Hard tO rEsist by Wendy Loggia Ü
spidErmAn! bOy Oh boY!Ü wheeEee..
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