My name is Anna, although most people call me a combination of one or more of these :
"Casey" (surname)
"Radgey Case" (Hemy's a freak)
"Annie" (this is a family only thing however, and people laugh when they hear me get called to the phone)
"Ansy" (Towns' a freak)
"Rapey Casey" (because "it ryhmes!" which, frankly, it does not. Hemy really is a freak.)
"Bomb" (Anna in predictive text)
"Combab" (Annaaa in predictive text)
"Manna" (Gourley's response to me dubbing him GAYley, GIRLY or GourLADY. I'm actually too funny for him.)
"Justin Case-y"
"On-the- Casey"
"Suit- Casey"
"Skankatron" (Gourley's a freak)
"Twat." (Understandable.)
Pick your favourite, stick with it.