About Me
Real name given was Sarah Lynn, but wanted a name, that would exude my one-of-a-kind personality, so in 2006 I adopted tha name Nhadia-drake. I would desribe myself as a charismatic free-spirit, who's outlandish, open-minded, lewd, versatile, resilient, spontaneous, and creative. I'm a nice person, and show kindness to those who DESERVE it, but I do have a hardcore side to me, where I don't take shit from noone-I just feel that I don't have to answer to anyone or anything in this world (no one should). I have no shame of what I say and/or do, and I don't care what any of you little jerks think! I'm one of those people you either like or you don't, there's no inbetween. I would rather have you hate me for everything I stand for and who I am, than to have you like me for someone I am not... As far as what I do for a living goes, well, I mainly live my life like a gypsy on tha run, but I also work on pursuing my dreams. I have alot of things I'm very passionate about, and will hopefully achieve, sometime before I have a massive heart attack and croak; instead of expressing every detail, of each one, I'm just gonna give it to you in a nutshell. Ok, my four main goals are as followed: 1)Musician-music is my life, it always has been and always will be. 2)Pro Wrestler-I've always wanted this, but now I want it more than ever b/c I can't let Tank down. 3)Master of Martial Arts-I just don't wanna be good, but to be one of the greats. 4)Ringleader of my own Circus-with my creativity and talent, my circus would defietly qualify as being "The Greatest Show on Earth". Other things I do and/ or wanna do are: illusion artistry, film, fashion design, photography, and I think that may be all for now-at least until I have my next epiphany...Here's some other absurd shit about myself that I'll throw out there whether you care or not, you will pay attention: *favorite holiday is Halooween. *Foreign laguages learned were mostly self taught. *Everything about the catholic religion creeps me out. *My biggest musical influence is Aphex Twin (he's fucking brillant), and my idol is Max Cavalera. *I smoke 3 different kinds of cigarettes-Camel menthol wides, Dijarum blacks (aka cloves), and Pink Dreams (I'm tha only person I know who smokes pink cigarettes). *Favorite colors are hot pink and black. *For some odd reason I seem to attract all tha crazy people-not tha good crazy, tha certifiably mad. *Haven't seen my natural hair color since tha age of 13; has been EVERY color except green, and had every hairstlye imaginable. *My favorite qoute is by a man named Ernest Holmes and it goes "My mind is open to new ideas. The divine mind is inexhaustible. The spirit is ever active in me. There is no weary or monotous action in spirit. It is forever new and vibrant with ideas. I know that I am continuously receiving new impressions from life. New, better and fuller ways of living. I let the nerwness, freshness, and originality of spirit permeate my entire consciousness."