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Buy Escritorio
MDE from the album Escritorio
Video by: Carlos Campiglia
Right now I'm editing the Bruno Galindo + Xavier Losada sessions , finishing "El Hombre que Rie" based on the novel by Victor Hugo, recording "La Uña, El Martillo & The Impossible Thoughts" and producing Skama Sweet Selection record.Productions:Triad "Blood + Karma"
embas "Suburbia"Since 1997, I've been composing theatrical plays' scores and playing live:2008: Kortála by Akeké Circo Teatro.
2007: El Cascanueces Flamenco, a flamenco adaptation of Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker.
2007: Crime & Punishment by Dostoevsky (Columbia Stages)
2006: El Principito by Saint Exupery (Skenate)
2005: Love by Juan Souki (Caracas - New York Collective)
2004: Atra Bilis by Laila Ripoll. Festival Internacional de Teatro de Caracas 2004, Ciclo Tinta Fresca.
2003: Tell 2.2 by Juan Souki (KST)
2002: 10 by Pablo Souki (Enescena). Composition with Juan Carlos Souki. Best Original Score, Cinates 2002.
2001: Klown by Juan Souki (KST)
2000: Las Palabras de Neruda (KST)
1998: Presencia del aire.
1997: El verdadero Inspector Hound by Tom Stoppard (KST). Winner of Best Original Score, José Angel Portiacero 1998 awards.Additionally I've composed and recorded soundtracks for the short Films 434 (2008), Thou Shalt Not Dream (2008) and Disparen a matar (1999 - KST)