Tina profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm not as shy as most people think :) My favorite place in the world is Disneyland. Louie is my bud!

My Interests

Hanging out and having a good time, going on adventures, watching funny movies, acting like a dork and being silly.

I'd like to meet:

Elvis, Johnny Depp, David Blaine, Prince, Marilyn Monroe, Chris Farley...my brother, Michael.


I like music from the: 60's/70's-Doors, Jimi, Janis, Elvis, Elton John, Beatles. 80's-DEVO, Smiths, Siouxsie, Thompson Twins, Van Halen. I also like Old Skool, Rap, and Hip-Hop.


My favorite movie is Tombstone. I love Napoleon Dynamite, all of the Austin Powers movies, Friday, Dumb and Dumber, Black Sheep, Tommy Boy, Pirates of the Carribean...I guess I mostly like comedy.


I watch I Love Lucy every time it is on...I love Lucy! I love cartoons, especially Ren & Stimpy and old Bugs Bunny. I like Seinfeld, Scrubs, Arrested Development (even though it's not on anymore), Biography, Discovery Channel, and I 'll admit that I watch Top Model and The Apprentice.


My favorite book is Misery, but I don't really read books that much anymore.


Firemen and people in the military fighting for our country.