death_to_amrik profile picture


bored n miserable little goth brat

About Me

1. You can only say Yes or No!2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks!Kissed someone on your top 8? yesDanced in front of your mirror naked? yesever told a lie? erm....NO(muhahahahaha)Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? well duh, have you ever met meBeen arrested? yesKissed someone of the same sex? yesKissed a picture? yesSlept in until 5 PM? yesHad sex at work? no, have you seen the people i work withFallen asleep at work/school? yes, reguarlyHeld a snake? yesBeen suspended from school? yesTotaled your car/motorbike in an accident? noSang karaoke? yesDone something you told yourself you wouldn't? yesLaughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? yesCaught a snowflake on your tongue? yesKissed in the rain? no (gay)Sang in the shower? yesGave your private parts a nickname? noSat on a rooftop? yesBeen pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? yesBroken a bone? yesSlept naked? appart from after sex(or a failed attemt) no, i actually like to fall asleep fully cloathedBlacked out from drinking? many a timePlayed a prank on someone? yesHad a gym membership? noFelt like killing someone? yesMade your (ex)girlfriend/boyfriend cry? noCried over someone you were in love with? (suprisingly)NO(i never cry)Had sex more than 4 times in one day? noHad Mexican jumping beans for pets? noBeen in a band? yesSubscribed to Maxim? noShot a gun? yesTripped on mushrooms? kindaVideo taped yourself having sex? no, fimmed others but thats a diff storyEaten alligator meat? no, but hmmmEaten cheesecake? yesStill love someone you shouldn't? yes, manyHave a tattoo? nodeath to amrik death to amrik death to amrik death to amrik death to amrik death to amrik death to amrik death to amrik death to amrik Click here to get Falling Objects death to amrik death to amrik death to amrik death to amrik death to amrik death to amrik death to amrik death to amrik death to amrik death to amrik death to amrik death to amrik death to amrik death to amrik death to amrik
Myspace Cursors
I edited my profile with...

My Interests

music, gigging, guitar, piano, novels, comlaining, moaning, bitching, back-stabbing, being miserable, being wierd, lieing, scaring the elderly, scaring the young.everything you would ever want baby s=)

I'd like to meet:

anyone interesting, strange, wierd and wonderful people. no simpletons or ordinary people please. unless they have cakealsoThe Ginger Ninja Not So gingerinterpol.. and the Boosh


...MISFITS!!!!!!!!!, the damned, the cure, tristania, nin, trail of dead, a perfect circle, arch enemy, amusement parks on fire, alec empire, atari teenage riot, the bled, mcr, sonic youth, 80's matchbox b-line disaster, qotsa, the distillers, black flag, elliott smith, ryan adams, cult of luna, interpol, killing joke, amen, maralyn manson, snuff, m83, nile, cannibal corpse, deicide, queen adreena, radiohead, rammstien, the ramones, the ronettes, scarling, sayer, wednesday13, tom vek, tool, mazzy star, view from a throne... i could go on all day


buffalo66, a brief encounter, a brief matter of life and death, spirited away, the cemeted garden, ghost in the shell, ghost in the shell 2, akira, i close my eyes, donnie darko, water ship down, southpark the movie, angels with dirty faces, ffvii, the crow, the man who fell to earth, the legend of 1900, delores clairborne


southpark, family guy, american dad, daria, bevis and butthead, futurama, the simpsons (starting to sence a pattern here?), the wright stuff, bbc ..eries, far too much mtv2 n scuzz, and the horror channel and any old movies


American Psycho, The catcher in the rye, Weathercock, I Lucifer, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Naked Lunch, Human all to human, the little Prince , the wasp factory, the bridge, down and out in paris and london, animal farm, 1984, inside the whale and other stories, american psycho, the secret life of lazlo (count dracula)


any hard working decent person - also David Attenburough, Paul Banks, Agent Smith (american dad), Nitsche, Richard Edwards, george orwell. any of the python boys, thurston moore

My Blog

New Download photo's

It took a while but i finally uploaded the Download pic's, even tho i didnt really take any of them (thanks Rebecca)In case any1 was wonderin what happened to me over the weekend...
Posted by death_to_amrik on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 01:53:00 PST

10 DAYS!!!

since i last had a sweet sweet cigarette, any1 else doing this as well. Its horrific, cold turkey, got the shakes, show some support people
Posted by death_to_amrik on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 12:21:00 PST

no phone

my phone is fucked once again, so if your trying to contact me, just myspace me etc etc   laters   am
Posted by death_to_amrik on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 06:07:00 PST

predict your mental age

Body: [x] I know how to make a pot of coffee. [ ] I keep track of dates using a calendar. [ ] I own more than one credit card. [x ] I know how to change the oil in my car. [x] I do my own laundry. [ ]...
Posted by death_to_amrik on Sat, 19 May 2007 09:44:00 PST


Posted by death_to_amrik on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 12:23:00 PST


right then, who here is scarred of thunder?
Posted by death_to_amrik on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 11:45:00 PST

which dead rock star are you?

Which Dead Rock Star Are You?created by realmenweartiaras Your Results:Richey EdwardsYou are Richey James Edwards! You're a manic! You aren't too good when it comes to making music, but you're smart...
Posted by death_to_amrik on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 12:53:00 PST

yes/no game

(ok then)   1. You can only say Yes or No!2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks!Kissed someone on your top 8? yesDanced in front of your mirror nake...
Posted by death_to_amrik on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 12:35:00 PST