pic by pao!
umm.. hi.. my name is marisol (means sea and sun) my friends call me mari!i'm 19 and i love JESUS!! Im a follower of CHRIST and HE is just awesome!(literaly).. seriously i am so thankful and just amazed by evrthing HE does! HE is the lover of my soul, the begining and the end, the ever lasting king! my rock and my shelter.the reason why i live! Im in college and i work two jobs!!! im inlive with a fictional character! edward cullen edward cullen edward cullen!!! I have some of the best friends in the world!!! they are seriously the biggest blessing in my life!!! theres linda! muh wifey! the love of my life!! she is my best friend, she is the person that holds me together as one! she keeps me sane except when we are insane together! i love her so much.. i'd be lost without her. theres geneva! she is amazing! sometimes it seems like we were seperated at birth! she is into almost everything i am.. including online games and video games! she's crazy, fun, and a wonderful mommy to our princess serentity! theres mayra! she's hot! lol! i used to the think i was the sweetest person in the world until i met her! she'll laugh at just about anything you say! hehe!! theres janeth! she and i seriously share a chromosome! in one way or another everything that happens to me happens to her and vise versa! its awesome..sometimes... ^_^ theres my little sister maria!!! wow! where do i start with her? she is so wonderful! she tells me she looks up to me but honeslty most of the time i look up to her. she is so wow! i'm so proud of everything she does and for being so strong!!! boys: sergio, man this kidd is sweet! i love him like muh bro!! he always dresses awesome and he has awesome hair and we can like talk about everything!!! i know i can trust him and he is always willing to listen! jonathan, if there could be a picture of the word generous it would be his! this kidd is just an amazing person! i love him so much and he's muh little bro too!! he is so sweet and when we are togehter its like you cant shut us up! we act so stupid together all the time! well thats will all of these kidds! i loxoxoxove them all so much and i thank GOD that i can have them in muh life!