My space survey
Basic Info
Name?: Gerald ZandersJr. But you can just call me Zanders... Most people do
Birthday?: ..d>
eye color?: brown
hair color?: black
height?: 5' 11"
style?: um...idk
Have you ever?
laid in the middle of the road: Yep
sang a song silly song in a public place: all the time
danced in the rain: no
spun in circles until you threw up: no , but just about
punched someone: in the arm
laughed so hard you cried: yes
climbed a tree: all the time when i was younger
been skydiving: no but it looks like fun!!
made a snowman: yep yep
ran into a wall: probably
been on a roof: yep, and almost fell off of it
been swimming in 30degree weather: i dont think so???
drove a car: of course
laughed at something someone said that you didnt understand: yes
fell off a swing: nope. i'm not that graceful
took candy from a baby: no!!
this or that
Mt. Dew or Rootbeer?: rootbeer
Beer or wine cooler?: neither
Car or truck?: car
cat or dog?: doesn't matter
love or hate?: love
sweet or sour?: sweet
pink or blue?: blue
chad michael murray or johnny depp?: HAHA!! Johnny Depp j/k...idk
silky or fluffy?: silky
tall or short?: tall?? doesn't matter to me
pizza or fries?: pizza
arbys or wendys?: wendy's
spring or fall?:
have you ever went through a redlight?: yes (on accident)
loved someone who didnt love you back?: um...
saw a family member at a store and didnt say hi?: of course not!
jumped out a window?: yes
fell down stairs?: yes ...BECAUSE I WAS PUSHED!!!
drank hot chocolate in summer?: don't think so
went down a hill in a sled with no snow?: no
skateboarded?: i try, but i'm no good!
rode your bike in winter?: yes, but was not very successful
fell out of a tree?: hey.. you win some...and ya lose some
In a guy/girl
hair color: black, but doesn't really matter
hair style: straight. but doesn't matter
height: shorter than me
weight: um.....
clothing style: anything but goth
favorite personality trait?: i'll have to think about that
least favorite personality trait?: pick one
would you ever..
lie to someones face?: if it was for THERE benefit
run up a 2 mile hill?: sure
spread a hurtful rumor about a friend?: no way!!
throw a 15lb chicken out a car window?: no way!! that some good eat'in
go outside with an umbrella when it is lightening?: yeah
sit on a tred mill when it is on?: nope
movie: Too many to just pick one
band: same thing
song: thers are way to many songs to choose from
season: fall
animal: chinchilla
time of day: weird question
color: green!!!
car: not sure
fabric: silk
jewel: diamond
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