Jesus, Church, Countries, Cultures, Singing, Music, Opera, Ocean, Sailing, Cards, Roller Coasters, png" target="_blank" Painting, Reading, Animals, Camping with friends, Movies, Baking, Cooking, Sleeping, Kid's, Missions, Anything African, Jungles, Kayacking, canoeing, horseback riding, coffee, driving, and yeah, there is so many.
Anyone who was killed for the sake of Jesus Christ.
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I must say that classical music and Opera rocks! But I enjoy a lot of alternative and almost anything. It depends on the words....bad moral, bad song.
Hmmm this is a hard one: Patriot is amazing though I haven't seen it in years!
I dont really watch a lot of tv
Well the Bible is the best book in the world....I like reading about peoples lives and adventures that brought them around the world and taught them good lessons.
Heroes.... a lot of the time Heroes are fake people, but my heroes are real people, my role model is Jesus, but I love Paul. He inspires me to be more like Him! And then there is my Mom. She has helped and inspired me more than any other person in my life could.