(o) H8 U profile picture

(o) H8 U

About Me

I am sick and travel is the only thing that can get me well! I now live in Bologna Italy, with the beautiful Barbara. So what am I about, chaos, anarchy, theology without faith, philosophy without thought, music without melody or harmony, songs without meaning, poetry with no words, art unrecognised as such, history that is told by her, science withtout logic, politics of anarchy. I do not fear death therefore have no fear.my suspicions: the interconnectedness of this black vast emptiness with its many sided much reflected transparent crystaline web rainbow prism'd ecstacy prison of being a being far past just seeing rise through clouds and gases into vacuums of never ending scarla energies experience the synergy between you and me experience the synergy between you and me the universe is in my head but there are regions only told tale of within you and the songs are of strange tongue and the voices like bells on soft breeze unto me and only you can make me see the way you see and only you to choose new points of view and roads that have n'er been trod by rusted boots all iron shod its hard to see the footprints follow back to me the footprints follow back to me brass like quicksilver lost in space beats like a new born pulse excited by a lust for life

My Interests

i like f*cking - f*cking feels good when i think of f*cking - f*cking gives me wood I like f*cking where I never should f*cking in the supermarket - f*cking in the wood I like f*cking - f*cking all the time f*cking like a motherfucker - f*cking till I'm blind I like f*cking - f*cking till the dawn I guess I f*cking should - 'cause f*cking got me born I like f*cking - f*cking all the day f*cking with my woman - I'm not f*cking gay I like f*cking - never gonna stop until I'm f*cking old - and my penis goes flop

I'd like to meet:

THEM whoever THEY are!




Snow white, back to the future


is shit


Nietzsche, RAW, Kafka, Joyce, H Miller, Camus, Conrad, Dostoevsky, Kerouac, Burrows, H S Thompson, T Leary, N O Brown, A Huxley, Orwell, E A Poe, Charles Bukowski, T Hughes, E Pound, T.S. Elliot, W Blake etc etc....


Alexander the Great

My Blog

Veni vidi vici

so it will be a sabbath sabbatical through the colonnaded streetscobbled laid in hastestanding all scrutiny of timewarped and war waged under foota gait that shaped the modern worldSo stood Hannibal, ...
Posted by stuart on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 02:25:00 PST

The Funambulist

have you siezed your wills;are you the doey eyed beastor the funambulist?I see no meaning in this worldI see no answers except....the attainment of our perfectionof our dominionto take in hand the gif...
Posted by stuart on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 02:05:00 PST


Thesis:Birth to a naked, newborn monopoly.Rockerfeller's Blade shines in the eyes and blinds until fury is aroused in the dog, angry mobWhose teeth are bared at fat cats on cream...Antithesis:The Cats...
Posted by stuart on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 01:25:00 PST

subliminal architect

Handshakes, symbols, phrasesImplanted brotherhood signatures hold our gazesI will quench the lighted torch with my bloodOnce I am initiated I will attack from the insideI will visit where the Azazel a...
Posted by stuart on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 01:12:00 PST