DJ Drew Morgan :) has been bringing her bright awareness of Dance music to the for-front of the Dallas Texas club scene now for 6 years, along with her intense spirit and love for dance music and the element of the underground club scene. As the new wave of time brings about a deeper sense of union and harmony in music, the understanding of true meaning and purpose behind what drives people to dance and become involved is not only welcomed, but essential. Music is such a vitally important bridge into the realm of deeper awareness. It opens doors to greater unity and understanding.
In the Trance and House Music scene knowledge of sound and how to move a crowd and draw out their deepest emotions is also essential, and few are as clever and wise in this area as DJ Drew Morgan. With a broad range of musical vision and detailed plan for her future Morgan (AKA Drew Luv) is spearheading the Trance movement across mid Texas and the South West. She brings with her a strong following of those passionate about the vibe of driving base rhythms, and ethereal dance beats. In the heat of the moment Drew Morgan is able to unleash her full array of melody and sound and bring the crowd not only to the dance floor but to a state of mind they willl take with them throughout the week. Leaving them hypnotized and subject to her every desire, Continually drawing them back for more time and again.