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That Girl

About Me

Hey everyone...I guess if your reading this you dont know me, your really bored, or your just really nosy, but hey not here to judge:) Anyway I guess we will start with the basics, my name is now Mrs. Jessica Pharis, I am 20 years old. ************************ THE "JIMMY" SECTION I say "now" because I got married July 28, 2007 to Jimmy Pharis. We are going on 5 years together and 1 year married. Life is A M A Z I N G at the moment. I have an awesome Husband (and I dont mean that in one of those "highschool" cheezy kinda ways)I mean that in the most sincere way. I know that every girl thinks her guy is the best, but ladies I gotta tell ya Jimmy is one of a kind. He never hesitates to make me happy, even after 5 years. We still act like love struck teenagers; not the making out in the hallway teenagers, more of the playful, flirty, constant laughter kind of teenagers. He makes me laugh all the time, not really b/c he is a comedian more b/c his laugh is so contagious. Now lets talk about his more important features: The Muscle... Yes, it is rock solid, sweaty, and sexy. His bisceps are bigger around than our boxers neck (yes I know this for a fact I used the collar to measure it.)As my friend Molly would say he is like the Hulk but definetly not green (if you know what I mean)He was voted most intimidating in highschool b/c of his muscular build and pissed off squinty eyes appearence. But actually he is a very sweet, passive (to a point) easy to get a long with kinda guy. Actaully when you get up close he has these beautiful hazel colored eyes with specs of very light brown. During the summer he is drop dead sexy with his tanned skin, dark hair and bulging muscles:0 The quality that I admire most about his personality is his ability to take things in stride. He never lets anything get to him or get him down. He is currently a corrections officer and working toward a career as a policeman.THE "ME" SECTION I am going to skip the physical description part since, well I have about a thousand pictures posted. I am a nursing student. Next year I will be a Junior. It is extremely hard, but fulfilling always interesting. I made the Dean's List and interviewing for a summer internship. I will be 21 in August (YAY me!!!) Very excited for that, I am not a big drinker, mostly I just wanna see some strange men strip and watch everyone else get drunk. Since school takes up so much of my time I really dont do much other than hang out with close friends, family and @ school. I LOVE to have fun (as you can see from some of my pictures). But I am also very responsible, I like to get everyone out of their box, and laugh and dance...I am usually the one who isnt afraid to ask the questions that everyone is thinking, but no one will say. I love life, I love my husband, my babies(2 dogs, a cat,a ferret, and fish tank), school, family and just everything really. Jimmy and I have so many plans for life and I try to appreciate every minute of it. There is so much I am looking forward too in the next 3-4 years, like graduating, saving for a house, buying a new car, and babies (real ones; which we would have now if it were up to Jimmy) Well I guess thats it about me, if you need more just ask... Which I am sure you wont, everyone always writes that but no one ever does it.THE "ANIMAL" SECTION Jimmy and I have a Boxer puppy(Max), an 8 yr old collie (MissY), a Cat (Kitty), and a ferret (Jack). Of course we cant forget about my gorgeous fish tank. They are our babies, our life revolves around them. Everyone plays together and they all have very different personalities. Missy is my old girl, she hangs out under the table watching out the window, she is the constant protector. She really doesnt like the boxer or the ferret to be in her face although the cat she doesnt mind so much. I'm sure if you go through the animals photo ablum you will find Missy showing her teeth at someone. Max is a happy go lucky 1 yr old boxer. He is alot of fun to be around but has no concept of personal space and believes that everyone is ok with him being on them at all times. Kitty does his own thing, he really is my baby, he is abeautiful slightly chunky, white cat. THen Jack the ferret is constantly getting into stuff so he is caged when no one is home. When you let all of them play together is when you have trouble. You see the cat knocks things off the counters like paper towel and food items so that him and the Max can destroy them. Max will eat everything in sight and if Missy feels that something belongs to her she shows a little teeth (but not in a sexy way). When you let the ferret out the cat wants to pounce on him, Max sometimes steps on him, and missy growls whenever anyone is having fun, so there is continuous yelling at our house. The ferret and cat have learned to open cabinets so that they can shred toilet paper together and every once in a while we have found a shivering ferret in the refrigerator. Max the "destroyer" is usually getting the brunt of the yelling, so like any scared puppy he looks for a hiding place which up until recently was the bed. He no longer fits under the bed, so among the yelling, pouncing, and shredding, Max runs for cover under the bed and inherently gets stuck which brings about a whole new set of issues. There is never a dull moment, even the fish tank keeps us occupied. The crabs have decided they own the filter, so while shacking up in there they also drag stuff in that clogsit up and has to be fished back out... But hey we love them and we wouldnt trade the world for them... Even for all the bad things they do, they repay us by being our protectors, loving us unconditionally, and always being there when we need a furry four legged friend!!!

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Five years strong...It is definetly

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and every minute of it is precious. He makes me feel

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and he treats me like his

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. I am a nursing student

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, My weaknesses are most definetly clothes, make-up

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, getting my hair done
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, shopping in general, eating out,getting my hair done, movies and funny tv sitcoms. Oh and I probably couldnt survive without my

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but honestly who can these days right Well I am tired of copy pasting icons, so I will leave you with one last piece of advice "click it or ticket", that is my advice for the week. THank you for visiting my page:) Have an awesome day...backgroundfound this love layout at HOT